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zhao_admin2个月前 (04-14)语文课件17


英语小短文带中文翻译篇1 Today, when I went home after school, I saw the delicious snack, so I wanted to buy one of the snacks, then I could not find my wallet, I searched it many times, at last, I had to admit that my wallet was lost. I felt so worried, so I turned back to find my wallet, I watched the road carefully, suddenly, a black dog was in front of me, I felt so scared. The hog yelled at me, so I ran, the dog run after me, I run into the shop and got rid of the dog. I have to went home because of it was dark, my mother came out and told me I forget to bring my wallet, how stupid I am.


英语小短文带中文翻译篇2 Today, when I walk on the street after school, I find the street is very clean, it is very different from usual days. I am so curious, so I ask the cleaner, she tells me that many students have behaved, they don’t throw away the rubbish anymore. I think about the education about the environment last week, it works. We should protect the environment.


英语小短文带中文翻译篇3 There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom. In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.


英语小短文带中文翻译篇4 I am twelve years old now, I study in a middle school, I am not a little girl any more, I know I should learn to grow up, I want to be a good child. First, I need to be considerate for my parents, they care so much for me, all they do is for my better future, so I want to relieve their burden. I will help my mother with her housework, I can wash the plates and clean the floor. When my father goes home after work, I can massage him, so he will be comfortable and relax. Second, I need to study hard, so that my parents will be proud of me. I think I can be a good child.







王维,( )山水田园诗人,其诗的特点是什么?名篇有什么?

王维,( )山水田园诗人,其诗的特点是什么?名篇有什么?




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作文指导是写作的重要把关,也是写好作文的重要途径,所以老师在教学过程中要求传授学生一些作文指导方法才是最重要的,下面是我整理的关于初中作文指导,欢迎大家参阅。 初中作文指导:中学生如何写好故事新编 鲁迅有一本小说集叫《故事新编...



一、并列式短语是指由两个意思相近或相反的词组成的短语。二、类型:1)名+名, 文化教育 今天或明天2)动+动, 调查研究 愿意并实行3)形+形, 光辉灿烂 庄严肃穆 万紫千红 风和日丽4)代+代, 我和他 这样那样5)数量+数量, 四面八方...






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