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仁爱英语七年级下册REVIEW3 Review of Units 5~6的答案是什么?

访客2年前 (2021-05-09)英语课件80

  第一题 4 9 2 6 10 7 8 3 1 5 第二题答案 there's there are there's there are are having are playing are playing basketball 第三题 e d b g a 第四题 (1) He is a driver (2) No,he isn't (3) He is having dinner (4) She is a student (5) No,she isn't (6) She is riding a bike (7) They are teachers(8) No,they aren't (9) They are doing some shopping (10) She is a nurse (11) Yes,she is 第五题 are ride has helps take is doing is playing aren't watching are talking
第六题 (1) Go along Xihua street and turn left at the second crossing。
   Ten go along Chaole Road and turn right at the first crossing。 You*ll find it on your left 。
(2)Go along Xihua Street and turn right at the second crossing。
   Go along Wufeng Road turn left at the first crossing。 It*s on the right 。
(3)Go along Xihua Street and turn left at the second crossing。
  It*s on your right。
(4)Go along Xiaxi Street and turn right at the first crossing。 Go along Taiwan Road and turn left at the first crossing。
   It*s on your left。




