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zhao_admin4周前 (04-22)英语课件7


Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.


We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.


Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.


Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.



Soil pollution

Our country——China soil pollution was very serious.We should be focus on that.And Am erica always have had more soil pollution.Soil pollution will make our food very dangerous.Our vegetables and fruits will got some trouble.Not too much nuturation.As that you know,we should be have to eat a lot of food will prove you can to be health every day.It's very dangerous.So we should be focus on our soil pollution problem to our gvt.If it hasn't do this,the gvt will have a big problem in the future


My Pet Dog

I have a pet dog.Its name is Bob.It is two years old.It is yellow and very fat.It has two big eyes.And it wears a black coat.I always play with it.My mother and my sister look after it every day.When I come back from school,it often walks around me shaking its tail.Then I give it some food,and it looks very happy.It is very cute and friendly.I love it very much.Do you like it?


There is old saying goes,” One good return deserves another,” which indicates that helping others sincerely are supposed to result from unexpected rewards, such as the respect from others or a sense of achievement.

To sum up, No matterdoing good deeds should get returns or not, the most important thing is when others being in trouble, we should to help them without hesitate.


Wang Feng is an artist, his singing is very good. A lot of people like Wang Feng is one of the songs, especially young girls, many fans of Wang Feng.

Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi is men and women friends, bless them.




hello my new phone see you my old phone 翻译:你好我的新手机看到你我的旧电话


1st July will be the 87th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) , now let's have a general idea of the CPC's Governing Concept And Its Evolution and how the Party's governing concept has been evolving in the different historic periods

  What was the major task for the CPC immediately after its founding?

  Zhang Rongchen: The founding of the CPC in July 1921 was directly influenced by the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. However, the CPC was founded for the specific needs of the Chinese revolutionary situation.

  After the First Opium War in 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. Then Chinese people faced two historic tasks of pursuing national independence and liberation and building a strong country with well-off people. The fulfillment of these two historical tasks had to start with a thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution.


答:Your friend's company makes you successful:

A person has a friend to accompany, so growth is not alone.

Altman because there is the company of small monster, so every day are full; male because Doraemon company, so don't be afraid of loneliness; SpongeBob because of Patrick's company, so carefree alive. And I, because of a friend's company, so very happy.

Not to buckle on "friends," the word is true friendship, not to "friend" word back buckle "accompany" word is really the company of friends in when there is a need to go fetch to use, but not when there is no need to bring use. The same company is not always with you around, you can also be sad when you lose your side, so that you have enough courage to face all the difficulties.

Whenever I due to failure or encountered setbacks in the corner crying, comfort my friend, let me to summon up the confidence to difficult to go to, no matter what the result is, I will smile because at least I have friends and family to accompany.

Each person is a friend, natural and few friends to accompany, regardless of the success of the well-known people, or humble, unknown workers, they are behind, always have a friend to accompany. Perhaps some people think that is very cheap, not worth a text, but they just use a secular view of it, perhaps until lost, they will know how to cherish.

Cherish these accompany, because the meeting is a beacon of life.


Stephen curry after graduating from high school, attended duke university basketball camp, want to join the school basketball, but the old coach K at duke university and his coach team think garage too irresolution, not adapt to the intensity of the NCAA, so give up on it. Curry eventually chose to go to Davidson college.

In the freshman season, curry was the best newcomer and scoring champion for the SEC in an average of 21.5 percent. In the second game of the university, he contributed 32 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists. In the 2007 south district championships, the new three-point record was broken. In the sophomore season, curry led the black horse Davidson college to the NCAA championship eight.

In March 2008, Davidson college have to overcome the country's seventh, strengthen learning, the NCAA no. 2 seed at Georgetown university and the third at the university of Wisconsin, garage into four NCAA tournament in the history of one of the players get 30 points a game in the first four. Curry made the 159-3-pointer in the season against the university of Kansas, setting a record for the NCAA season 3.

Three season, garage finished transformation from shooting guard to point guard, is averaging 28.6 points and leads the nation, and 4.4 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 2.5 steals. Beyond legend John can become the history of Davidson college leading scorer, had against Oklahoma with Blake griffin, scored 42 points, refresh their NCAA single-game scoring record.


 It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version comes to my mind, "Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. " Actually I see pomegranates red and round on the stall in the market and the pcars big, yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn.




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