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溪流[ xī liú ] 从山里流出来的小股水流。

溪水[ xī shuǐ ] 指从山里流出来的水流。

梅溪[ méi xī ] 旁植梅树的溪水。

溪谷[ xī gǔ ] 被溪流侵蚀的狭陡的凹谷。

龙溪[ lóng xī ] 茶名。

石溪[ shí xī ] 岩石间的溪流。

南溪[ nán xī ] 指四川成都西郊的浣花溪,锦江的支流。

云溪[ yún xī ] 云雾缭绕的溪谷。

竹溪[ zhú xī ] 竹林与溪水。指清幽的境地。


Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolUnit 1 Lesson 1Part A Let’s talk ; Let’s practise Teaching Aims :1. Be able to understand and say: We have a new friend today. I’m from…. Welcome!2. Be able to introduce yourself to others.3. Improve Ss’ intercourse


Points & Difficult Points :Be able to use the new structures as following in different ways : We have a new friend./pencil…Teaching Preparation:1. The international flag of America\ Canada\China. 2. Headgear of


for the blackboard:', "I have a new book. I'm from…", 'We have a new friend. Teaching Steps:Step1. Warm –up 1. Sing a song 《Good morning》. 2. Greetings. 3. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. Nice to meet you again! Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Hi, girl. My name’s Wendy. May I have your name? S1: Sure. My name’s …… T: Hi, S1. Welcome back to school! ……


and practise. 1. Continue the Free talk to lead in: T: Look! I have a new book! Do you have a new one? S: Yes. T leads to say: I have a new book. T: This is a new book. That is an old book. T holds the book: I have a new book. ( T writes down it on the blackboard.) Ss read after T. T: I have a new book. What do you have? S: I have a new book./ pencil./ pen….. T: How nice! Great! Practise in pairs: S1: I have a new book. S2: Great!/ Me too…… T: Boys and girls. Look! We have a new friend today! Let’s welcome! S1: Hi! I’m Amy. T: Amy! Welcome again! Ss: Welcome. T: We have a new friend today!(T writes down it on the blackboard.) T: “We” means you, you, he, she and I, everyone! You know, What’s the meaning of “we”? S: 我们。 T: We have a friend. S:… T: We have a new friend. S:… T: We have a friend. We have a friend. We have a new friend. Sing it with (两只老虎) We have a new friend. We have a new friend. Amy is, Amy is. We have a new friend. We have a new friend. Amy is, Amy is. 2. I’m from… T: Amy! Where are you from? I’m from… S: I’m from America. T: OH, you’re from America. T shows the international flag of America: I’m from America. S:…. T hands it to a student: Where are you from? S: I’m from America/the USA. T shows the international flag of China: I’m from …. S: China. T: I’m from China. T teaches Canada/England as above. Game: I’m from…(Flap the flies) S1: I’m from Canada. S2 & S3 touch the flag and the word of Canada : I’m from Canada.Step.3 Consolidation & Extension. 1. T: If in the real situation, you can say I’m from Hangzhou. I’m from Huzhou…… T: Where are you from? S: I’m from Hangzhou. 2. Text 1) Watch the VCD. 2) Read after the tape. 3) Act it in front of the class.Step4. Assessment.1)


explains the meaning of the task. 2) Ss do it after the


it over:Unit 1 Lesson 2Part A Let’s learn; Let’s play; Part C Let’s singTeaching Aims :1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: boy, girl. 2. Be able to understand and say: “ Watch out!”3. Be able to sing the song “Boy and Girl”


Points & Difficult Points :The main words: boy,


Preparation:The international flag of America\ Canada\China. Some toy


for the blackboard: a boy a girlTeaching Steps:Step1. Warm –up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk T: Hello! May I have your name? S1: My name’s … T: Where are you from? S1: I’m from Hangzhou. T: Oh, me too. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: Boys and girl, we have a new friend today, S1Ss: Welcome! Make a similar dialogue with your partner. T hands out the international flag: Where are you froom? Group 1: I’m from America. G2: I’m from England. G3: I’m from Canada. G4: I’m from China.Step2.Presentation. 1. T shows the picture of Mike: Do you know Where is Mike From? S: He’s from Canada. T: Great! He’s from Canada. S: He’s from Canada. T: And He’s a boy. (T puts boy on the blackboard.) T teaches the pronunciation of boy. Run two trains : He’s a boy. (Point a boy) T: Look! Is she a boy? Ss: No. T: Yeah. She is a girl. (T shows the picture of girl) T teaches the pronunciation of girl. Run two trains : She’s a girl. (Point a girl) Read the words together: A boy, a girlStep 3. Practise. 1. Game: Distinguish the sound. (Let’s practise.) S1 : Hello! Ss: A boy or a girl? S2 who covered eyes: A boy? Ss: Yes./ No. 2. Game: Introduce the animals T: This is Mr. Pig. He’s a boy. S: This is Miss. Cat. She’s a girl. …… 3. T plays the puppet. Cat: Hello! Mr. Pig. How are you? Pig: Very well, thanks. A lovely day! Let’s play. Cat: Great. Pig falls down: Oh. Cat: Watch out!! T: What’s the meaning of “Watch out”? S: 当心,留神! Make a dialogue with “watch out”! 4. Let’s sing.Step4. Assessment.1)


explains the meaning of the task. T: Where is the word “boy” and where is the word “ girl”? S: Here it is! T: Look at the animals. What are they? S: A dog, a cat…… T: Who are boys and who are girls? Listen it after the class, and match it. 2) Ss do it after the class. 3) Ss buy 2 English exercise


it over:Unit 1 Lesson 3Part A Let’s say, Let’s chant Part C CultureTeaching Aims :1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee.2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c3. Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group


Points & Difficult Points :Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and


Preparation:1. Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball2. A little blackboard with four-line format and a


for the blackboard:panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)China Canada America Australia (words)Teaching Steps:Step1. Warm –up 1. Sing a song 3. Practise. 1. Game: Find out the letters we’ve just learned. apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball Read as: apple, No.1 small letter a. 2.1) T: You’re so smart. You can read them. Now, let’s write them down. Look at the blackboard. T: First, let’s write down big letter A. One, two, three. Now, Let’s try together. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T& Ss: One, two, three. T teaches the writing of small letter a. 2) T: Everyone has his home. Where is A’s home? Here it is. (T points at the four-line format.)T: This is letter’s home. This is the first floor. Then the second floor and the third floor. Big letters A lives in the second and third floor. Let’s write down it. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T & Ss: One, two, three. T teaches the writing of small letter a in the four-line format. Write them on your exercise book. Teach the writing of Bb, Cc.3. Lets chant. 1) Read after T. 2) Say with the tape. 3) Say by yourself. 4. Culture. T writes down:3.8 T: March 8th is Women’s Day. Yeah,妇女节。 T: On that day, you should say “Happy Women’s Day” to your mother. You also can pour a cup of tea, then say “ Have some tea, mom.” T&S act like mother and son/ daughter. S: Ding dong. T: Come in, please. S: Happy Women’s Day! T: Thank you. S: Mom, sit down , please. Have some tea. T: Thank you. My dear daughter.Step4. Assessment.1)


the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.2) Make letter cards of A\B\C.


















但是,在我眼中,我爸爸的手就是一双与众不同的手,爸爸的手虽然很粗糙,但溶入了对我的爱和关心!  记得是去年冬天,天上正下着小雪,当时天气很冷,我和爸爸正在往家走,我没有戴手套,觉得很冷,就不停地搓手,我爸爸看见我在搓手,就问我怎么了?我说:“我有点冷。”爸爸听见就把他戴的一副手套给了我,我问爸爸:“你不冷吗?”爸爸说:“没事,爸爸不冷。”我听完这句话就情不自禁地掉下了眼泪,眼泪像断了线的珠子一样流了下来。回到家里,我把作业拿了出来,写了一会儿了,把作业全写完了,我把作业收了起来。我出去一看,看到爸爸正在不停在搓手,而且还在火炉旁边时不时地把手烘一烘。我走过去,看到爸爸的手被疼得青一块,紫一块的,我一下子扑到爸爸的怀里,眼泪有一次地流了下来。我问爸爸:“你疼吗?”爸爸说:“没事儿子,爸爸不疼。”我知道爸爸很疼,爸爸只是不想让我知道伤心。  还有一次。我晚上发了高烧,爸爸问我怎么了?我说:“我有点难受。”爸爸把体温计拿出来,给我夹了一下,过了大约5分钟,我爸爸让我把体温计拿出来,我拿出来,给爸爸看,爸爸说是39。8度。他赶紧把我的衣服穿上,抱着我去了大矿医院,由于大矿医院没有儿科,爸爸把我抱出来,打车去了中心医院,连夜打了一瓶滴流,爸爸一宿没有睡,第二天又要上班,第二天下班回来,就躺在床上睡着了。  风雨中,爸爸的这双手就像一把大伞,为我遮风挡雨。我爱我爸爸的这双粗糙的手,更爱我爸爸!


这篇课文叙述了长征途中一位炊事班长接受党组织交给的任务,照顾三个生病的小战士过草地,而不惜牺牲自己的故事,表现了红军战士忠于革命、舍己为人的崇高品质。金色的鱼钩》的语言朴实,像讲故事一样按照事情的发展顺序叙述,表达了对老班长的深切怀念。 课文用“金色的鱼钩”为题,意义深刻。“鱼钩”记录着老班长的英雄历程,闪耀着老班长金子般的思想光辉,象征着老班长崇高的革命精神永垂不朽。




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