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My idea of a successful person is Bill Gates. Microsoft chairman of the board. As the world's richest man, 31, and for 13 years ranked the world's richest man. Personal property ownership will donate to the foundation. He is a great and endowed with the sense of responsibility person. From the age of 17 have been engaged in computer work. He's famous is life is not fair, get used to it.

Yes. Nothing in the world is difficult beside the heart into it. We will be successful as long as you work hard.


My idea of a successful person is Bill Gates. Microsoft chairman of the board. As the world's richest man, 31, and for 13 years ranked the world's richest man. Personal property ownership will donate to the foundation. He is a great and endowed with the sense of responsibility person. From the age of 17 have been engaged in computer work. He's famous is life is not fair, get used to it.

Yes. Nothing in the world is difficult beside the heart into it. We will be successful as long as you work hard.


1、Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV.In the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friends.There were many flowers,and some birds were singing songs.We played games and talked about our dreams.At last,we went home for dinner.Today,I had a great time!


2、Most kids like animals.Girls like cats,and boys like dogs.However,my favorite animal is the horse.The horses are strong,not like the tame cats or puppy dogs.They look wild and hard to get close.Yet,they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you.Horses remember the way home.

They are also faithful to their masters.They even understand what you are trying to tell them.I’ve heard many stories about how a horse saved his master’s life.That's also the reason why I love horses.They never betray you.


3、Look,I have a nice room.Come and have a look.Its small and nice.There is a big bed,a small desk,a shelf and a closet.The bed is near the desk.There is a shelf near the closet too.

Many good books are in the shelf.I like the books very much.Oh,yes,There is a big board on the wall.I often write and draw pictures on the board.Oh,My bedroom is too beautiful.I like it very much.Do you like my bedroom?Can you tell me about your beroom,please?


4、My best friend is.He’s a very funny person.For example,he keeps his watch one hour ahead of the real time.He says it’s because he doesn’t want to be late.is also very honest and intelligent.He doesn’t need to cheat to get ahead.

In school he always gets the highest scores,but he never seems to study.He says he studies only when nobody is looking.Everybody likes my friend very much.


5、My classmate who called Limei.She is a beautiful girl,she has long long hair and big eyes.She always smiles.She has a little brother.We often play together.I like her very much.



I have a best friend, we know each other when we are five years old, now we talk about everything. But sometimes we will have the argument, none of us want to give in first. 

We make a deal that the next day we will meet in a place every time, so we become good again. I cherish our friendship so much.




I am a shy girl, when there is activity in my class, I will run away from it and try to be nobody. But in my heart, I want to be noticed and show my talent. My friend encourages me to take part in the activity, she helps me to finish the task.

At last, I become more and more confident and get along with others. I am so thankful to her for finding my confidence.




Today, when I walk pass a special shop, there sells all kinds of funny things. I love them all. Then I see a thing that my father must like. But I don’t have enough money at hand, I have to make choice. 

I finally decide to buy things for my father, because I think it’s value is more important. My father has bought so many things for me, now I want to do it for him.




I like reading books so much, especially the novel books. When I start to go to school, my mother buys me the classic novel Harry Porter. I am so crazy about the movie, so I read the books very quickly.

I gain so much knowledge and broaden my vision. I enjoy the novel world, because I can see other person’s story and then learn from it.     




My mother is the greatest person in the world. She takes care of the family and does all the housework. I never want to make her angry. But sometimes I will do something let her down and when I see her upset face, I feel painful. 

So I am very strict to myself, I want to be an excellent girl and let her be proud of me. So, I can see her smile often.     




There was a man from the state of song who was looking forward to the height of the seedlings, so he went to the fields to raise them one by one. After a day, he was very tired but very satisfied. When he came home, he said to his family, I'm exhausted. I've helped the seedlings grow.


When his son heard about it, he rushed to the field to see the seedlings, but they all withered.


第一篇:I'm Tong tong ,I'm 12 years old .There are three people in my family ----my father ,my mother and I .In summer, I like swimming. In fall, I like flying kites . In winter , I like making a snowman . In spring , I like planting trees.I like singing and dancing . Can you tell me , what about you.

第二篇:I am Li Kai. I was bron in 1995,that is to say , I am eleven years old this year. I am a pupil from Class3 ,Grade 6 in the primary school.Myfavourite persons are teachers.Because they teach us knowledge. Teachers let us understand the world.

第三篇:纯模我大则的英语老师My English Teacher

In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous,

第四篇:Save Water 保护水资源

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to cle

第五篇:滚裤棚I like Chinese New Year very much. I can meet many many friends in my family. I like them very much. We sit together to have dinner, I like the food, it's very nice.

Do you know what is lucky money? It is the money children get from aunt and uncles, grandpa grandma. I've got a lot this year!

I love Chinese New Year. I hope you will like it too.

第六篇:I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness.

第七篇:My father is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he comes back home very late,because he must help the others.He doesn't have time to examine my homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a good policeman.

第八篇:There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there.

第九篇:Japan was fun. It was very cool and windy. We flew kites in the park. I bought a watch there. I wanted to buy more, but I didn't have money. The gardens there were beautiful. I very liked the gardens . The japan department stores were too big. I couldn't find Mom. The food was delicious. We ate a lot of fish。 I also liked the vegetables and cake there. I hope I can go to Japan one more time.

第十篇:Last Sunday, I visited my grandmother. We listened to music and planted flowers. I counted the flowers. There were ten.. Then I helped my grandmother cook lunch. When we finished, I washed the dishes and she cleaned the kitchen. In the evening, I watched TV and played the violin at home, It was fun.

I started training my dog everyday when Icame home from school. It began to calm down more everyday! I taught the dog how to sit,run,walk and be quiet when I tell it to.A week later ,the dog did not make any probles.My parents were very happy and so was I. 我每天放学回家以后,就开始训练小狗。我叫他怎样坐,怎样跑,怎样走路,并旦训练它能听懂我的命令,而小狗也变得余行唤穗越来越温顺了,越来越听话了。一周以后,小狗再也不闯祸了,不调皮了。爸爸竖链哗妈妈看了都非常高兴,而我则更高兴。








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