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访客2年前 (2021-05-13)地理课件73

South Africa is a country which is little more than a remoteand mysterious land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four new countries open to Chinese tourists. So, now it may be your next holiday choice.
From modern art galleries to ancient cave paintings, museums to cultural villages, you can taste the rich history of cultures in this vast land.
A traditional Zulu village, for example, is a favourite place to visit. The Zulus are an ancient tribe in South Africa. Guests are greeted with traditional Zulu etiquette and entertained with dances and songs. It is part of their traditional culture that only the unmarried girls and young men dance, staying in separate groups.
The rich cultural diversity of South Africa is matched by its natural diversity. Wilderness trails or safaris open up the wild bush to visitors.
There is nothing like standing in the middle of nowhere and getting a close-up view of a black rhino or lion. In the vast silence, you are surrounded by the smell of grass with only the sound of your heartbeat for company.
And South Africa is the land of gold. Johannesburg was once the biggest gold mining area in the world. And there are many old mines to visit.

South Africa has an area of 12,221 square kilometers and a population of 37,900,000 people, is located in the capital, Pretoria, the original religion to religion, mainly Christianity, the major language is Afrikaans and English, using the money for the rand, the currency unit: Rand (RAND) to sign "R", said. South Africa location in the Southern Hemisphere, in general, year-round sunny climate, the seasons are advised to Tourism, 7, 8 in the winter months in the summer months 12,1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate in the Cape region is a Mediterranean-type climate, and coastal Natalchuk Chuansi and northeast China provinces and for the sub-tropical climate.
South Africa is the most economically developed countries, and its rich mineral resources, mineral is one of the world's fourth largest country. Gold, diamond reserves and output ranking first in the world. With the perfume of France, South Africa's diamond in the world famous De Beers diamond sales in the world control of 70%. In Africa, South Africa is a natural and climatic conditions are better country. This morning rainfall, warm and pleasant, sunny seasons, is an ideal living environment. South Africa's tourism to the city as the center, located in the north-east of the capital Pretoria plateau, beautiful, vibrant flowers and trees, especially in the summer, roses in full bloom everywhere, so the city and the "Rose City" said in its suburbs, The last century to establish the National Zoo, where keeping a wide variety of rare animals unique to Africa, and the aquarium, there are more than 300 kinds of fish. Cape Town is South Africa's major coastal tourist city, the city has a large number of relics of the colonial era, in the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope in the history of the famous ocean development.








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