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1单元 snake robot 蛇形机器人

space station 太空站 seem possible 看起来可能

be able to (do) = can 能够

the World Cup 世界杯 2单元

look for 寻找 keep out 不让……进入

in the future 在未来,在将来 pay for 付款

come true (梦想)成为现实 Teen Talk 青少年论坛

go skating 去滑冰 in style 时髦的,流行的

fall in love with… 爱上 out of style 过时的

hundreds of 好几百,许许多多 all kinds of 各种,多种

be free 免费 on the one hand (在)一方面

in 100 years (用于将来时) 一百年后 on the other hand (在)另一方面

be in high school 上中学 as…as possible 尽可能…地

live alone 独自居住 =as…as sb can

go swimming 去游泳 get on with… 与…相处,进展

see sb do sth 看见某人做… have a hair cut 理发

over and over again 一次又一次 part-time job 兼职工作

get bored 厌烦 call sb up=ring sb up 打电话给……

space rocket 太空火箭 on the phone 在通话

electric toothbrush What’s the matter (with)? 怎么了?

computer programmer 电脑程序员 What’s wrong (with)? 怎么了?

live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 the same as… 与……同样的

(书上重要表达) complain about 抱怨……

will be… 将成为…… argue with… 与……争论

study on computer 在电脑上学习 surprise sb 使…惊奇

as a reporter 作为一名记者 borrow from… 向……借

keep a pet 养一只宠物 lend to… 把…借给…

during the week 在一周期间 find out 发现,找出

wear a suit (uniform) 穿西装(制服) except me 除了我

at the weekend 在周末 do wrong 做错事

on vacation 在假期 under too much pressure 承受太多压力

predict the future 预测未来 take part in 参加

the head of a company 公司负责人 compare …with… 把…和…比较

need to do sth 需要做某事 (书上重要表达)

job interview 求职面视 enough money 足够的钱

science fiction movie 科幻电影 write sb a letter 给某人写信

just like… 就像…… a ball game 一场球赛

help with +名词 帮助做某事 talk about… 谈论…话题

make sb do sth 使某人做…… say sorry to… 向…说对不起

It’s easy for sb to do sth 做某事很简单 have a bake sale 卖烤点

wake up 醒来 buy…


…. 为…买…

get a tutor 请家教 get out of the shower 洗完澡

be popular at school 在学校受欢迎 sleep late 睡懒觉

everyone else 其他每个人 buy a souvenir 买纪念品

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 go into=enter 进入

fail the test 考试不及格 call the police 报警

return= give back 归还 at around ten o’clock 在十点左右

have a fight with… 同…大吵、打架 shop assistant 售货员

give some advice 提建议 the Museum of Flight 飞行博物馆

busy enough 足够忙 take a photo 照相

not…until 直到……才 walk around 四处走走

nothing new 没什么新鲜的 police officer 警官

seem to do sth 好象要做某事 a car accident 车祸

push a lot more 逼得更紧 event in history 历史事件

a mother of three 三个孩子的妈妈 in modern history 在现代史上

know about… 知道,了解…… everyday activity 日常活动

find it+形容词 to do sth 发现做某事很… at that time=then 在那时

think for oneself 为自己考虑 ask sb to do sth 叫…做某事

plan the life 计划生活 in silence=silently 沉默地

learn to do sth=study to do 学习做某事 be born 出生

a bit=a little 一点 have meaning to sb 对…有意义

organized activity 有组织的活动 national hero 民族英雄

by oneself 靠某人自己

after-school club 课外俱乐部 4单元

get over 克服、恢复

3单元 sea level 海平面

come in 进来 Chinese Young Pioneer

World Trade Center (WTC) do well in=be good at 在…方面擅长

as…as… 和……一样 pass on 传递

take place=happen 发生 first of all 首先

hear about 听说 report card 成绩单

take off 起飞;脱下 in good health 身体健康

get out 出去,离开 open up 打开

barber shop 理发店 be supposed to 被期待,被要求

run away 逃跑,跑掉 care for 照料,照顾

in front of 在…前面 senior high school 高中

in the front of 在…前部 the Ministry of Education

walk down the street 沿着街走 be mad at=be angry at 对……很生气

an unusual experience 一次不寻常经历 not…anymore 不再…

Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场 end-of-year exam 期末考试

in space 在太空中 have a favor 帮忙

all over the world 全世界 get nervous 变得紧张

train station 火车站 disappointing result 令人失望的结果

(书上重要表达) copy one’s homework 抄袭作业

(书上重要表达) play party games 玩聚会游戏

have a surprise party 举行惊喜派对 study for the test 为考试复习

drinks and snacks 饮料和零食 ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

the next day 第二天 ID card 身份证

How is it going? 一切还好吗? travel around the world

have a hard time with… 对…感到头痛 get an education 受教育

have a big fight 大吵一架 might seem like 似乎好象……

forget to do sth 忘记做…(没做) a dream job 理想的工作

It’s right for sb to do sth 做…是正确的 all over the world 全世界

start a bad habit 养成坏习惯 make life difficult 使生活变得困难

poor mountain village 贫困山区 get injured 受伤

change one’s life 改变…的生活 have a difficult time doing sth 做某事很难

the peking University real friend 真朋友

rural area 农村地区 in fact 事实上

make sb feel sick 使某人不舒服 class party 班会

agree with… 同意…… laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

need to do sth 需要做某事 dye the hair 染发

three times a day 一日三次 past tense 过去时

school dormitory 学校校舍 watch out 留神、小心

outside world 外界

finish doing sth 完成做某事 6单元

volunteer teacher 志愿者老师 by the way 顺便说一句

mother earth 地球母亲 far (away) from… 距离…很遥远

be in danger 在危险之中 run out of 用完,用尽

more than=over 比…多;多于

5单元和1-5单元复习 be interested in… 对……感兴趣

take away 拿走 the Olympic Games 奥运会

make a living 谋生 Hilltop School 山顶学校

around the world 全世界 raise money for charity 为慈善筹钱

all the time=always 总是,一直 a pair of skates 一双溜冰鞋

mobile phone ,手机 go native 入乡随俗

in order to… 为了…… do (try) one’s best 尽某人最大努力

let in 允许进入 go together 相配;调和

remind …of… 使人想起…… let sb know 让某人知道

be hurt badly 严重受伤 inline skating 纵列式溜冰

make money 挣钱 probably=maybe=perhaps 也许

look up to 尊敬 have sth done(过去分词) (请别人)做某事

charity event 慈善事件 polar bear 北极熊

professional athlete 职业运动员 three and a half years 三年半


wear jeans 穿牛仔裤 (书上重要表达)

take a bus to…… 坐公车去…… collect the stamps 集邮

help sb do sth 帮助某人做…… skating marathon 滑冰

several=a few 几个 pay a big fine 赔款

be the first one to do sth 第一个做某事 throw away 扔掉

snow globe 雪球 argue about… 为……而争论

anyone else 其他任何人 sell out 卖完

start a club 建立一个俱乐部 five times the price 价格的5倍多

tell sb about… 告诉某人关于某事 (书上重要表达)

fly a kite 放风筝 do the dishes 洗碗

music video 音乐录影带 look terrible 看起来很糟糕

talent show 天才表演 move the car 挪挪汽车

Heilongjiang Province help…with(名词) 帮助某人做某事

colorful history 多彩的历史 finish the task 完成任务

European influence 欧洲风格的影响 clothing store 服装店

in Russian style 俄罗斯风格 order a hamburger 预订个汉堡包

Song Emperor 宋朝皇帝 shop assistant 售货员

western history 西方历史 follow sb around=go after sb 跟着某人转

The more…, the more… 越…,就越…… English-speaking country 说英语的国家

learn about… 学习…… social behavior 社交行为

have problem with… 在…上有问题 be useful to do sth 做某事很有用

be close to… 靠近……

7单元 in all situations 在各种场合下

no problem 没问题 feel uncomfortable 感到不舒服

wait in line 排队等候 even if 即使,就算

keep…down 压低声音,使缓和 be with sb 和…在一起

pick up 捡起 It’s better to do sth 最好做某事

break the rule 违反规则 public place 公共场合

take care=be careful 当心,小心 in public 在公共场所里

put out the cigarette 熄灭香烟 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做…

at first (反) at last, finally 首先(反)最终 see sb do(doing) sth 看见某人做…

cut in line 插队 give sb a suggestion 给某人提建议

turn down (up) 关小(开大) take the suggestion 接受建议

not at all 根本不;一点也不 drop litter 扔垃圾

Would you mind (not) doing sth 你介意(不)…吗?

Could you please (not) do sth 请(不要)…好吗 8单元

turn on/off 开(关) fall asleep 入睡,睡着

right away =in a minute 立刻 give away 赠送,分发

=at once make friends with sb 与……交朋友

at a meeting 在开会 hear of… 听说……

hair stylist 发型师,美容师 the Olympics 奥运会

get annoyed 变得气恼 the Olympic Committee 奥委会

get married 结婚 take an interest in… 对……感兴趣

get mad 变得激动 photo album 相册

get angry 变得生气 rather than… 胜于;(与其),不如

happen to sb 某人发生某事 make progress 取得进步

these days=now 现在,目前 gone to… 已去某地(途中)

too…to… 太…以致于不能… get some exercise 锻炼

give up doing sth 放弃做某事 It takes forty minutes 花了40分钟

give…to… 给某人…… Neither have I=me neither 我也没有(去)

stage manner 舞台台风 get to=reach=arrive in(at) 到达

native speaker 说本族语的人 take a lesson=have a lesson 上课

learn by heart 用心记住 (书上重要表达)

look up (在书中)查询 water park 水上乐园

for a while 暂时,一会儿 space museum 太空博物馆

an 80-year-old grandmother 一位80岁的外婆 take the subway 坐地铁

China Radio International 中国国际广播电台 Mickey mouse 米老鼠

(书上重要表达) Donald Duck 唐老鸭

get sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买…… Disney character 迪士尼卡通人物

How about=what about ……怎么样? theme park 主题公园

Why don’y you do sth? 为什么不做…呢 be themed with… 被冠以…主题

Why not do sth? (同上) walk around 四处走走

special enough 足够特别 Disney Cruise 迪士尼巡游

pot-bellied pig named Connie 取名叫科尼尔的猪 take a ride 搭乘……

eat a lot 吃得多 just like… 就像,正如

keep a pet 养宠物 take different route 走不同线路

pay for=spend for 为……付钱 exchange student 交换生

learn to do sth=study to do 学习做某事 flight attendant 空中乘务员

improve English 提高英语 language school 语言学校

enter a contest 参加比赛 such as=for example 例如

as well as… 和……一样好 listening skill 听力技巧

age group 年龄组 Southeast Asia 东南亚

win the prize 赢得奖金 take a holiday 度假

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 have problem doing sth 做某事有困难

have fun with… 做…很有乐趣 foreign country 外国

find out 找出,发现 during the daytime 在白天

find a way to do sth 找到做某事的方法 wake up 醒来,唤醒某人

be awake 醒着的

9单元 natural environment 自然环境

end up 结束 It’s best to do sth 做好做某事

on board 在船上 10单元

have a great time 玩得愉快 look through 浏览

amusement park 娱乐园 come along=appear 出现,发生

tour guide 导游 get along=get on with… 相处

three quarters 四分之三 at least (反) at most 至少(反)最多

Night Safari 夜间野生动物园 have a small talk=chat 闲聊

all year around 全年,一年到头 opening question 开场白问题

roller coaster 过山车 thank-you note 感谢信

(ever) been to… 曾经去过某地 cross the busy street 穿越繁忙的大街

have a wonderful time 过得愉快 show sb around 带某人参观某地

be friendly to sb 对某人友好 show the way 指路

be happy to do sth 很高兴做某事 have a hard time doing 做某事很困难

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 make it easy to do sth 使做某事容易

have a family dinner 家庭聚餐 go with sb 同某人一起去

look both side 看两边 win the game 赢得比赛

(书上重要表达) dining room 食堂、饭厅

Franklin Lake 弗兰克林湖 holiday job 假期短工

by noon 到中午之前 review=go over 复习

I hope so 但愿如此 opposite word 反义词

wait to do sth 等着做某事 decide to do sth 决定做某事

baby sister=younger sister 妹妹 meet friends 会见朋友

feel like doing=want to do sth 想做某事


If I become an athlete,will I be happy?

For many young people,becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.I you become a professional athlete,you’l be able to make a living doing something you love,If you become famous,people all over the world will know you.Many athletes give money to schools and charities,and do a lot of work to help people.This is a great chance thata many people do not have.

However,professional athletes can also have many problems.If you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.This can make life difficult.

If you play sports for a living,you job will sometime be very dangerous.Many professional athletes get in jured.And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are .In fact,many famous people complain that they are not happy.They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.

























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没去上过课不了解。我喜欢易说堂,外教一对一培训,外教天天上课英语陪练,很好玩,口语进步又快,我现在都能和老外自由交流了,推荐你去他们的官方网站申请免费体验试试咧,外教很好玩滴。 去做过体验,不错就是太贵了,现在在上李阳易说堂的课,我比较喜欢...



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译林六上英语课件 译林六上英语课件ppt

六上英语课文译林版不用翻译?lesson 4 You should go to bed early. 你应该早点去睡觉 You shouldn't make a mess in your room. 你不应该弄脏你的房间 这是4的 less...



My favorite season is summer. It may sound corny, but my brain is not a CPU and it works much better in favorable temper...



在全球化和信息技术飞速发展的今天,掌握英语已经成为日常生活和职场必备的技能。为了更好地提高自己的英语学习效果,制作一份高质量的英语课件是不可或缺的。而一个好的课件需要有一个美观而专业的背景来支持。 在这里,我们向英语教师和学生们推荐一份丰...



一、三国中的人物一斗三德十个伯,求教? 一斗指阿斗刘禅,三德指曹孟德(曹操)刘玄德(刘备)张翼德(张飞)。十个白(不是“伯”): 1,严白虎:十五回,为董袭杀; 2,白寿:九十七回,蜀将,病亡; 3,宋白:一百十回,魏慎县县令; 4...