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country life英语课件

英语作文a country life is a healthy life?

a country life is a healthy life意思是乡村生活是健康的生活吗,首先用英语提出乡村生活是健康的生活吗的问题开篇,其次用英语对乡村生活是不是健康的生活联系实际进行详细的分析和论证,主要通过列举事例的方式进行,最后用英语对乡村生活是不是健康的生活,给出明确的答案,并给出自己的综合评价





在英国,有时候会说Great Britain一个country;但是,特别是很多苏格兰人会说苏格兰也是一个country。Nation有国家之意,但更多的意思是作为政治性的民族。注意:不是种族,是近代以来形成的、具有共同政治意识(或者说认同)的人民(A People),有时候也翻译为国族。所以具有不同血缘、不同语言的人,有长期共同生活的历史和认同的,都可以被称为nation。Nationalism(民族主义)一词就是从此衍生。State实际上是指政治构架上的国家,或者说整套国家机器。所以,说英国是One state, four countries/nations也是可以的。现代中文里指的最多的国家实际上应该是一个英语复合词的含义:Nation-State。政治学中常常翻译为“民族-国家”。这个复合词将Nation和State两个具有政治含义的词汇联合起来了,含义有二:其一,这个国家的人民具有共同的政治意识;


real life or virtual life英语作文?

Virtual life is scene you can create through simulation by computer. This is just like a virtual friend in QQ of which the other party may protraited as a beautiful virgin girl, but actually he may be a cunning crook who is out to lure girls in vice. So if you are to have any virtual friends or virtual life simulation, do be careful of crooks. It is better to have real life friends. It is through the test and actual hardships that create real friends.So stay on reality and have a real life.O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


country[英][ˈkʌntri][美][ˈkʌntri]n.国家; 乡下; 国民; 地区; 复数:countries 例句:

1.What did you do before you came to this country? 你在还没来这国家之前从事什么工作?

2.Almost half of the total country is uninhabitable desert. 全国几乎一半是不适于居住的沙漠

social life英语作文?

My favourite outdoor activity is to play tennis.Sports are good for our health.When I am playing the tennis with my good friends,I feel very happy and relaxing.I started to play it when I was only a child.I played it every week.I think tennis is my best friend.I like it very much.do you also like it?the socical activity and study Every body knows that study is one of the most important things for the young people,and a lot of people think that youngmen should study everyday to get a good score.But I do not agree with such an idea,my opinion is the social activity and study are good friends.I have 3 main aspects to support my idea.Firstly,the purpose of study is to do more contributions to the society,is to serve for the work.We learn more and more things in order to work easier and easier in the future,so social activity is the checking standard of study.Secondly,the social activity can make us know what is our weak point and what we should learn in the future.For example,if I can not use computer in my social work,I must ask myself to learn it well so as to improve my work.Finally,the social activity is also a kind of rest for us after study.From what has talked above,we can safely draw a conclusion that the social activity is a good partner of study,we should make use of the relations between them to create a good future.

view of life英语作文?

When the students just come to universty after high school,they are always divided into two groups.Some students are fond of school activities,because they think that the more activities you take part in,the more knowledge of social interaction you will learn and it will lay foundation of your future.However,other students prefer to spent time in studying.They believe that study is the most important matter in their daily life.

In my view,I tend to the students keen on study.As a student,our main duty is to study all the time to improve our knowledge.But I'm not saying that taking activities is wrong.I think we'd better take part in right amount of activities in our leasure time.Just doing it like this can we become a comprehensive and excellent student.

life diary英语作文?

Today I was a little master of my home.

At first, I was very happy. I felt very relaxed. After a while, it was lunch time. Family members felt hungry, I went to the market to buy some food. I just can cook spinach. So I tried to find spinaches. I asked and asked. After a while, I bought something green to home but it wasn’t spinach, it was celery. In my family nobody likes celery. Luckily, I had a little money. It was enough to have lunch outside.

I felt relax when a got home. I decided to have a good rest. But my mother made me do a lot of housework……

I was crazy about taking a nap after a day work. And I know a lot about my mum now. She is very busy.

What a busy day!

a dog life英语作文?

In China, dog ownership is on the upswing.


  Compared to just a few decades ago, now is a good time to be a dog in China. With bans on pet ownership gone, and eating habits changing, puppies today are now more likely to end up on a leash than on a plate.


colorful college life英语作文?

1/colorful college life释义:


2/colorful college life英语作文用法和例句:

If life were a colorful drawing, college life would be one of the brightest colors.


life history 的英语谚语?

life history 句子。

1.Some people give you their life history without much prompting.


2.In such a life history strategy, the organism suspends any growth, reproduction, or other activities for a period of time so that they may occur at a later, more hospitable time.




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