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1.beginning n. 开始 2. situation n. 情况 3. beach n. 海滩 4. believe v. 相信 5. between prep. 在…之间 6. businessman n. 商人 7. cloth n. 布 8. chase v. 追逐 9. demonstrate v. 证明 10. decide v. 决定 11. describe v. 描述 12. dish n. 盘子 13. drag v. 拖 14. easy a. 容易的 15. eleven num. 十一 16. energy n. 能量 17. faithful a. 忠实的 18. fan n. 粉丝 19. forward ad. 向前 20. fight v. 搏斗


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【课题】 Unit10 Section A 3a -4 (1课时)


1. 知识目标:继续学习反义疑问句的用法

2. 情感目标:描述与陌生人聊天注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。





温故知新 (一分种内,完成下列单词及 短语 ,组内互相交换检查.)

1.中午______ 2.含沙的_____ 3.再见_____ 4.浏览____ 5.下雨天______

6.在周末____ 7.去 游泳 __________ 8.看起来像______

9 .忘记带雨伞_______________ 10.排队等候




1.陈述句如果是there be结构时,疑问句部分仍用there。如:

There once was a man named Saint Nicholas, wasn’t there?

2. 在 英语口语 中,“I am +表语结构”,后面的反意疑问句多用aren’t I 来体现。

如: I am very interested in learning English, aren’t I?

3. 陈述句的主语是动词不定式,动词的-ing形式或从句,疑问部分的主语多用it来体现。如:Taking care of our environment is very important, isn’t it?

What he said it is right, isn’t it?

4. 陈述句中含有not, no, hardly, neither, never, few, little, too …to等否定词或具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如:

Few people knew the news, did they?

Tom has never been to England, has he? 但陈述句中如果带有否定意义的前缀和后缀的单词时,整个 句子 仍视为肯定句,反意疑问部分多用否定形式。

如:She is unhappy, isn’t she?

5. 陈述句的主语是nobody, no one, everyone, somebody等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用they(当强调全体时)或he(当强调个体时)。如果陈述句的主语是something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用it。

如:No one knows him, do they?

Someone is waiting for you, isn’t he?

Nobody says a word about the accident, do they?

Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?

6. 陈述句是主从复合句时,如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, expect, feel, guess等词,且主语是第一人称I时,反意疑问部分的人称、时态与宾语从句保持一致,同时还要考虑到否定的转移。如:

I believe that the boy can get a ticket for you, can’t he?



( )1.—Do you think it will stop raining noon ?

—Well , it is really hard to say .

A. in B. by C. on D. for

( )2. —This is great weather , isn’t it ?

—It is sure . But it’s a little hot me .

A. to B. on C. with D. for

( )3.After you finish your homework ,you can go online for a while ,but you are not allowed computer games .

A. doing , playing B. to do , playing

C. doing , to play D. to do , to play

( )4.Why come a little earlier ? We have had a lot of delicious food prepared .

A. don’t B. don’t you C. not to D. aren’t you

( )5. ____I haven’t been to America.


A. So have I B. Neither have I C. So I have D .Neither I have






1.I am sure that it`s a_________________(rain) day tomorrow,do you think so?

2.The day after tomorrow my grandmother is going to have her____________(ninety) birthday.

3.This is a__________________(sand) field,so you can`t plant any rice in it.

4.There is something wrong with my head,I am not ___________________(I) today.

5.I have never ___________________(see) the film which is named “Hero”.


1 .It’s very hot today, _______________ ?

2. He can speak Chinese, _______________ ?

3. Meimei studies in a middle school, _______________ ?

4. He never gets up late , _______________ ?

5. Don’t go out at night, _______________ ?

6. He never loves cold weather , _______________ ?

7. You finished the task yesterday, _______________ ?

8. It _______________ a good day for swimming, is it?

9. Tom has been to Singapore , _______________ ?

10. The story is little interesting, _______________ ?

【 总结 反思 】

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