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求大学英语演讲五分钟ppt(什么主题都行) 最好要快!

访客2年前 (2021-05-18)英语课件78




大学英语课的presentation 话题最好关于大学生活 谁能给个3~4分钟的演说稿

When you walk in the broad road to enjoy the flowers next to the tree, suddenly assail the nostrils smell from the sewage smell, you do not think you sick? When you walk in the golden beach, the sea breeze blowing You feel very comfortable, all of a sudden a plastic bag flew to your face, you do not think it disappointing?

Human development in a long road, whether natural or carry out economic development, has created a brilliant performance. At the same time, however, because of the unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources, not pay attention to environmental protection, creating a global environmental pollution and ecological damage. Now the world each year 6,000,000 hectares of land become desert, 20,000,000 hectares of forest disappear in an average of one hour in the extinction of a species. Since the destruction of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect in increasing the right to use the Earth's rising temperatures, melting Antarctic ice cap to start, sea-level rise will continue, many of the world's coastal cities, islands and a large amount of land will be swallowed by the sea. This series of environmental problems not only affect the economic development and social progress and even threaten its very survival, so the environment has become a common concern of all mankind.

Students, the importance of protecting the environment. If in the process of economic development not pay attention to environmental protection, they are subject to nature's revenge. Not only damage our generation, but also detrimental to our future generations!

Students, we are the masters of the planet's small, each of us should have a small sense of environmental protection. Environmental protection is the responsibility incumbent upon all of us. We must now start from the starting side, from the little things: a tree love flowers, love birds and other small animals, and so on. Through our efforts to make the sky bluer of the motherland, and more green and water clearer.






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