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Li Bai was born in February 8th 701, word Taibai, constellations Qinglian, and banished immortal .He is the great romantic poets of the Tang Dynasty, who is known as the immortal. And Du Fu and called Du Fu, in order to and the other two poets Li Shangyin and Du Mu that Li Du distinction, Li Bai and Du Fu and collectively big Du Fu. His hearty and generous love, drinking poetry, liking to make friends.

汉译:李白生于701年2月8日 ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”。是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”。与杜甫并称为“李杜”,为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。

My favorite football player is Lionel Andres Messi,He was born in 1987.He has won 4 golden ball prizes in the last 6 years.In 2012,He became a father.His best friend are Kun Agüero and Neymar da sliva.They are very young.All of them are from South America.Messi is one of the best football players around the world.


historical figures

historical figure

historical figure

Historical figures

Historical figures


The famous French general and emperor Napoleon I in 1769 was born in Corsica Aeqiu the town, he called the original Napoleonic Europe than with Bart. He was born in France just 15 months ago only about access to Corsica. When Napoleon is a young nationalists that the French people are oppressed. But Napoleon was sent to the French military academy study. 1785 graduation, he only 16 years old, began when the lieutenant in the army. Four years later, the outbreak of the French Revolution, the newly established Government of France within a few years been involved in the war with several foreign powers of the rapids. God bestow the first time Napoleon comes to his command Baodui Toulon in the 1793 siege warfare, from the hands of the French military and the British recovered Toulon. At this point he has given up his Corsican nationalist ideology, and to see themselves as French. He surrounded war in Toulon made the exploits; was promoted to Brigadier, in 1796 and was promoted to army commander in Italy and France. From 1796 to 1797, Napoleon in Italy won a series of brilliant victory, and then return to Paris as heroes. 1798 Napoleon's invasion of Egypt led by the French military, and this set off been disastrous. Although Napoleon's army in the land has been made on the overall victory, but Nelson led the British Navy destroyed the French fleet. 1799 Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt and returned to France. Napoleon returned to France found that people can still remember that he directed the successful war Italy rather than set off Egypt's defeat. Napoleon use of this advantage, and after a month of the rain Abeixi and others launched a coup, was proclaimed a new government - the bailiff, he was appointed the first Government to govern. Although Napoleon auspices to formulate a comprehensive constitution and the people voted for, but he is only one of the military dictatorship of the pay mask, he quickly overcame the coup in the other accomplices. So Napoleon SUPERFATE alarming rate. August 1793 siege warfare in Toulon before he is only a nameless Shubei, a 24-year-old non-French descent small entirely officer less than six years later, at the age of 30, he became France argued no monarch, he Monarchs in the throne sit in a more than 14.


Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung), the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Chaochan, China, in 1893. He became a Marxist while working as a library assistant at Peking University and serve

One of my favorite cao cao

History, I most admire cao cao. Cao cao is a prominent of eastern han dynasty last years strategist politicians literati poet. In times of war chaos, he unified the north. Brought gone with a stable. His ambition to write the high mountain not tire, tire deep sea verse. Although he is in the history of controversy, but I still like him







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小学语文点拨和七彩课堂哪个好 小学语文点拨和七彩课堂哪个好一点







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