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访客2年前 (2021-05-24)英语课件76


Unit 1

1. 词组:  add up    add up to    add… to…    add to

    calm… down 

    have got to

    be concerned about / with

    walk the dog

    cheat … of 

    go through    go ahead    go by

    set down    set up    set off    set out  

    a series of

    on purpose    by accident/ chance

    in order to    so as to    in order that    so as that

    at dusk    at dawn    at midnight    at noon

    face to face

    no longer    not … any longer

    settle down

    suffer from

    recover from

    get/ be tired of 

    make a list of    list

    pack… up

    get along/ on with

    fall in love

    be grateful to sb. for sth.

    join in    take part in    join    attend

    make  sb/ sth   + 宾语补足语

    have something/ anything/ everything /nothing  to do with

    it’s because…..  +原因

    it’s why….  + 结果

    dare   +   (to)  do  (实义动词)

    do   (情态动词)

    a year and a half

    it’s no pleasure+ doing sth

    happen to do sth 

    have trouble with sb  (in)  doing sth 


    find it + adj. + to do sth

    make friends with

    swap … with

    it is / was + 序数词 + that  + has done / had done  ….

 unit 2

词组:   because of 

    come up    come up with    come in    come on   come out 

    actually    in fact    as a matter of fact    in reality

    be based on

    at present  

    make use of    make full/ good use of

    such as

    play a part/ role in

    recognize … as

    more than one + 谓语用单数

    at the end of    in the end    at an end   

    voyage    tour    travel    journey   

    than ever before  

    even if / though

    communicate with

    those   + 定语从句 用who

    1600’s    1980s    in + 物主代词  + 数字的复数    in his forties

    the former    the latter

    a number of    the number of  

    make sense

    usage VS use

    believe it or not

    there is no such + 名词 (不加冠词)

    the way + in which / that /省略 

    especially    specially

    straight   adj/ adv


unit 3


词组:    prefer to do  , rather than do

    would rather do , than do

    would do , rather than do

    fare VS fee

    ever since

    it’s  is / has been + 时间段 +  since  从句

    graduate from/ in

    be fond of

    cut across   cut  up    cut down

    care about    care for

    determine to do sth  = be determined to do sth   

    change one’s mind    make up one’s mind

    at an altitude of

    give in    give up    give off    give   out    give away

    keep pace with 

    as usual

    bend over

    take the advantage of

    persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth

    not to do sth/ out of doing sth

    advise sb to do sth    try to persuade sb  to do sth

    although    though

    grow up

    insist on

    put up    put down   put off   put on   put away

    can hardly wait to do sth  

unit 4

词组:right away    at once    immediately

    burst into laughter/ tears

    burst out doing sth

    as if / though

    in ruins

    injure   wound    hurt

    destroy    damage

    be trapped in

    dig out   

    bury oneself in doing sth

    rise    raise    arise

    too… to

    be away

    it seems as if + 陈述语气/ 虚拟语气

    act out

    be pleased / willing/ glad to do sth

    honor    in honor of 

    be proud of

    express my thanks to

unit 5

词组: of  high/ good  quality

    devote to  + doing

    found VS set up

    in principle

    in peace

    out of work   in work    out of control    in control

    vote for    vote against

    be equal to

    in trouble

    turn to    turn on / off    turn up / down  

    lose heart    lose one’s heart

    escape from   /   + doing sth

    come to power /   in power

    be sentenced to

    in one’s opinion

    fight for / against

    blow up   

    dream of/ about

    imagine doing sth

    the first time    for the first time











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