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zhao_admin2023-09-24 15:46:59科学课件1


  From the beginning of grade three, we had a science class. I was very pleased.  Teacher talk about the leaves of plants, I pick up a lot of leaves, a piece of careful observation; old  The teacher in poultry chicken, chicken in the home, I left the chicken bones, feathers, and books  On the control to see.  A lesson of plant stems, stem is to transport water and nutrients effect. The teacher did it.  A small experiment: a branch of a branch in a red ink bottle, the leaves gradually become red. teacher  Cut branches, there is a red line in the middle. I went home and did an experiment: put a celery  Dish in a bottle with red ink. Sure enough, the leaf stem slowly turned red, leaves have a small  Red dot, and finally gradually into a. I carefully cut the stem with a pencil knife. Oh! tube  The road is full of red water. I happily clap my hands and shouted to my sister, "come and see.  Pipeline is really big!" My sister came running and said in surprise, "Oh, this experiment is really interesting.  !"  I love science more and more. I think: as long as more observation, more experiments, more research  , we can learn science lessons.


我爱慕你。2、I'm totally into you.我为你痴狂。

3、You're my angel.你是我的天使。


4、We're a good match.我们是多好的一对儿。

5、I like you;我喜欢你。

6、I have a crush on you.我喜欢你。拓展资料我超喜欢你的几种说法1、How to attract the attention of your crush?怎么让你喜欢的人注意到你?2、I have a huge crush on someone.我超喜欢某个人我超喜欢你可以说: I have a huge crush on youattract someone's attention 吸引某人的注意力3、I have a huge crush on this new girl at work,but I don't know how to attract her attention I wish I wasn't so shy.我超喜欢我单位新来的那个女孩儿,但是我不知道怎么吸引她的注意力,我希望我没有那么害羞。

to be invisible to someone 不被某人注意4、Am I invisible to her?We don't really talk very often and I don't know where to start.What should I say to her?她是不是感觉不到我的存在?我们不经常说话,而且我也不知道怎么开始聊。我该对她说什么呢?get on someone's radar 引起某人的注意,受某人的关注5、There's no right or wrong way to get on someone's radar.Just say hello one day and see where the conversation goes!引起别人的注意没有什么对错之分,哪天去打个招呼,然后聊聊看吧!crush v.压碎,弄碎n.拥挤的人群;迷恋,热恋,迷恋的对象invisible adj.看不见的,不被注意到的radar n.雷达


热闹在中文里并不是指拥挤的意思,所以不应译为crowds.其实英文里的scene就有spectacle, show的意思,即好看,热闹的意思,比方说 the rock music scene,a wild scene.所以,这句话翻译为I enjoy the scenes.


I love soccer. 或者 like football 也可以的 但是 love soccer 听起来更强烈 I am a soccer fan,I like to see the games,It doesn t mean I like to play it.


I like seeing the sea. 如满意,请按“选为满意回答”键,谢谢!如有疑问,欢迎来问!


手工翻译如下My favorite (festival) is the Spring Festival.




I like to eat sweets。我爱吃甜食I like candy 我喜欢糖果(不一定是喜欢吃)




热闹在中文里并不是指拥挤的意思,所以不应译为crowds.其实英文里的scene就有spectacle, show的意思,即好看,热闹的意思,比方说 the rock music scene,a wild scene.


I enjoy the scenes.



