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访客2年前 (2021-05-25)英语课件76


Lesson 1 Li Ming Is Back to School

教 学 设 计


Ⅰ.Teaching content: 1. New words and phrases
2. Introduce yourself and your school
Ⅱ.Teaching goals:
1. Learn new words
2.Make sure the Ss can introduce themselves and their school
3.Talk about the differences between schools in China and other countries.
Ⅲ.Key points:
1) Some new words and phrases 2) Introduce a school by mail
Ⅳ.Difficult points: Compare schools in China and Canada
Ⅴ. Teaching resources: recorder, pictures or cards
Ⅵ. Type of the lesson: listening and speaking Ⅶ. Teaching procedure
step 1: Class opening
1)Teacher’s and Ss’ self-introductions.
2)Lead in today’s new lesson
T: After you introduced yourselves, I have known some of you. Now I want to know something about our school. Who can tell me? Is it big? T: oh? How big is it? How many students in our class?
How many girls in our class?…Thank you all for telling me about our school. Who knows schools in some other countries? For example, in Canada, their schools are bigger or smaller?
Step 2: Discuss the questions in “Think About It.”
step 3: Listening and answering:
A) Listen to the tape (of the first e-mail) with some questions
T: We’ve talked about our school and class. Next, let’s listen to Li Ming’s e-mail then you can know schools in Canada are bigger or smaller. Please listen carefully and answer the following three questions:
1) Where did Li Ming write the letter/mail?
2) How many pupils are there in Li Ming’s class?
(Play the tape ) Do you think schools in Canada is bigger or smaller? How many pupils are there in Li Ming’s class? T: Right, very good.
B) Listen to the tape (of the second e-mail) and answer the following question.
Who will come from the U.K.?
step 4: Reading and discussing
A) Fast reading T: Read the two e-mails fast and silently. Then let’s discuss more about them.
1) Who is the e-mail from and to?
2) What can you learn from the two e-mails?
3) Do you like schools in Canada?
4) Do you go from room to room for your class? Is it good exercise?
5) Who is Brian in the second mail? How old is he?
…B) Second reading and further discussing
T: Read the text a second time.Have a further discussion in groups of 4 students.
What are the different things between the schools in China and Canada.
T: Very good! What’s the different things ?
S: Schools in China are bigger.
S: Every teacher has a different classroom in Canada.
S: Students in Canada go from room to room for their lessons. Students in China have class in one room.
S: In Canada, there are more teachers in their schools.
School begins at 8:30 in Canada, later than in China.
Step 5: Answering questions:Encourage the Ss to ask questions about the text. Explain to the students and make notes on the blackboard.
Step 6: “Let’s Do It” section
T: It’s our new school term. It’s our first lesson today. Then let’s talk about the new term. Look at“Let’s Do It!” and talk more.(1) What is the same in the new term? (2) What will be different? (3) What will you do differently?
Step 7: Class closingT: Today we learned two e-mails. There are some new words and phrases we should remember them.We also know about the differences between schools in China and Canada. Please practise writing an e-mail to your friends after class and finish your homework. That’s all for today.
Step 8:Homework
1) Write an e-mail to your friend
2) Finish off the exercises in the activity book


lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture



Ⅰ.Teaching contents:1.New words and phrases 2.Likes and dislikes: I like…/ I don’t like… 3.The Simple Present Tense (positive and negative forms)
Ⅱ.Teaching goals
1.Master some new words and phrases
2..Learn to express likes and dislikes
3 .Master the negative form of the Simple Present Tense
Ⅲ.Key points:1) look like 2) likes and dislikes
Ⅳ.Difficult points: Express one’s dislikes: I don’t like…
Ⅴ. Teaching resources: recorder, tape , a picture
Ⅵ. Type of the lesson: listening and speaking
Ⅶ.Teaching methods:Discussing, Listening,Speaking
Ⅷ.Teaching procedure
Step1: Class opening
1) Greet the students and check the homework
2) Prepare for the new lesson
T: let’s try to remember what we learned yesterday. We talked about Li Ming’s school. In this lesson, we will talk about something new.
Step 2: lead in
Step 3: Discussion before the new lesson
T: Look at the questions in “Think About It!” and discuss about them.
1. Who is your best friend? 2What do you know about him or her?
(introduce the questions to the Ss and give them five minutes to discuss)
T: All right! Time for me to know how well you know about your friends. S1,who is your best friend? S1: Wang Gang.
T: What do you know about him? S1: He likes basketball very much.
T: What about you, S2? S2: My best friend is my cousin, she likes school.
T: Good! S3, talk about the favourite photo of yourself, please. When was it taken?
S3: Just in the summer holiday.
T: Good! What about you, S4? When was your favourite photo taken? And where?
S4: It was taken in Beijing last year. My father took the photo for me.
Step4: Discussion about the picture in the textbook
T: Look at the picture in your books: what is in the girl’s hands? What is she doing?
Step 5: Further discussion
Ask about the title of this lesson: Why is the lesson called “Many faces, One picture?”
Step 6: listen and find the answer
Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and find the right answer;the answer is in the text.Check the answer with the Ss:
Answer: Everyone brings a photo of him or her. We put them together and make a big picture of our class. There are many faces of the students in the big picture.
Step 6: Project 1: Make a class picture
Make sure the Ss understand what they must do in the project. Explain what a collage is. (in Chinese if necessary) A collage is a picture made of many little pictures.
T: Draw a picture of yourself if you don’t have a photo. Write down at least three sentences about yourself on a small piece of paper. That’s your name card. Of course, our cards are better.(After a few minutes, Ask several Ss a few questions to help them describe themselves.) The questions can go like this:
1. What is your name? 2.How old are you? 3.How tall are you?








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