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访客2年前 (2021-05-27)英语课件84

nobody wins
After his supper of kangaroo soup,Gork lay down on his bed and almost immediately fell asleep.He was snoring.The noise shook the cave.
'Listen,everyone,'I said.'Here's my plan.'From my pocket, I took my small, powerful laser torch.Because it was in a plastic case,the magnet could not attract it.'We'll use this to escape from the cage,' I said.'First,I'll melt the bars and then...'
Peters interrupted me.'I know,Captain.Then you'll use the torch to kill Gork.''Use your brains,' I said.'If we kill Gork,how will we escape?We're too weak to open the door.Here's what we'll do!We'll...'
Moments later,we were all out of the cage.The crew was hiding among the kangaroos,and I was standing on the bed,beside Gork's head.I said loudly, 'Gork,this is Nobody.' Gork woke up.I aimed the torch at his eye and pressed the buttonThe laser beam hit the eye.The eye went out.
Gork roared,'I can't see!My eye!'The noise brought his neighbours running to his door.
'What's wrong,Gork?' they shouted from outside.
Gork shouted back,'It's Nobody.Nobody attacked me.Nobody damaged my eye.'
The neighbours laughed and said,'Nobody attacked him.
Gork's having a bad dream.
Let's go back to bed.Good night, Gork.
By this time,I had joined my crew among the kangaroos.
Gork said,'Nobody,I know you're hiding among my kangaroos.
I'll get you.You're finished,all of you.'
He opened the cave door a little and called his kangaroos to come out.
As they hopped through the narrow opening,one at a time,
he felt their backs with his hands to make sure we were not on them.
'What do we do now?' Peters whispered.
'We can't get out on the kangarros.We're done for.'
'Don't panic,Peters,'I said.
'We can't get out on the kangaroos but we can get out in them.
[Here,get inside this one.'Peters climbed into the giant kangaroo's pocket.
A few moments later,he hopped through the door to freedom.
'That's how we all got free,'said Captain King,
'and back to our ship and,eventually,back to the safety of the earth.'
'What happened to Gork?'asked someone.
'Gork? I don't know.Maybe he's still in his cave-looking for Nobody.'
Everyone laughed except a figure in the captain's garden.
It was moving silently towards the house.
It was a huge figure, and in its face was a single,red,glowing eye.








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