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访客2年前 (2021-05-27)英语课件88

(7)Listen to the tape and read the words.
(8)T shows the word card quickly, Ss spell the words quickly.
2. Let’s chant
Step IV Consolidation and extension
Story time
Do exercise.
Listen to the tape and repeat.

课 题: Unit3 What’s your favourite food?
教学内容: B. Let’s learn Let’s chant C. Story time
Understand and be able to say and use: What’s your favourite food? I/We like…
Understand the content of “Let’s try”, finish the exercise alone.
Make a advertisement.
重点难点: Important point: What’s your favourite food? I like…
Difficult point: the pronunciation of “favourite”.
教具预备: Recorder, tape, word cards, color pens.
Step I warm up
Sing a song“What Would You Like?”
Daily dialogue:
A: Do you like…?
B: Yes, they’re sweet…/ No, they’re sour…
StepⅡ Preview
Let’s chant ?(Part B Let’s chant)
Let’s try:
Girl: Do you like bananas?
Boy: Yes, they’re sweet.
Boy: Do you like tomatoes?
Girl: Yes, they’re fresh.
Girl: What’s your favourite food?
Boy: Beef, it’s healthy.
Boy: Do you like ice-cream?
Girl: Yes, it’s tasty.
StepⅢ Presentation
Let’s talk
T shows some food and says: I like chicken, beef and fish.
T points the beef and says: I like beef. (Draw a smile face)
T points the chicken and says: I like chicken better. (Draw two smile faces)
T points the fish and says: I like fish best. (Draw three smile faces) So, my favourite food is fish.
T shows the card and read: favourite, What’s your favourite food?
T-S practise: What’s your favourite food?/I like…
S-s practice: What’s your favourite food/fruit/drink?
I like …
Listen to the tape and read.
Pair work
Task time
Step IV Consolidation and extension





