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英语介绍他人模板? 课件模板怎么替换?

zhao_admin2023-10-29 03:49:36英语课件1


(1)My friend

Hello,everyone!I have a friend named Michael.He is a 15-year-old boy and he`s very tall.He likes speaking English so much and doing exercise every day.His dream is to be a reporter because he thinks it`s a way to meet many famous people and it`s very interesting.This is my friend.So how about your friend?



1. 打开 PowerPoint,选择要替换模板的课件文件。

2. 在菜单栏中选中“设计”选项卡,然后选择想要替换为的模板的模板名称。

3. 在弹出的窗口中选择“应用于全部幻灯片”,以应用新模板。

4. 如果新模板的尺寸与旧模板不同,则需要适当调整幻灯片内容的大小和位置。



        I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade.

         I like music and reaing books,especially economical books. It is my honor to apply this job. I hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much.

          It is my great pleasure to introduce myself.i was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade.

         I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics.



1. 多媒体性:英语课件可以使用多种媒体资源,如图片、音频、视频等,丰富课堂内容,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与度。

2. 互动性:英语课件可以设计多种互动形式,如游戏、问答、竞赛等,激发学生的积极性和思维能力。

3. 自适应性:英语课件可以根据不同的学生水平和需求进行个性化设置,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握知识。

4. 实时性:英语课件可以通过互联网实现远程教学和在线交流,让学生随时随地参与学习,提高学习效率和效果。

5. 可重复性:英语课件可以随时复读和回顾,帮助学生加深对知识点的理解和记忆,提高学习效果。



可以写一写课件的内容,可以说一说你做了个什么课件,适合什么样的人群使用,通过课件可以学到哪些东西,你的设计意图是什么, 再写一写你做这个课件用的什么工具,使用者如何操作,课件的亮点是什么等。很多东西都可以写


1. 自我介绍:Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is ___. I'm a ___ (职位) at the ___ (部门) department. I'm responsible for ___ (工作职责).

2. 介绍公司:Our company is ___ (公司名称), located in ___ (地址). We are a leading company in the field of ___ (业务领域). We have about ___ employees across ___ locations. Our mission is to ___ (公司目标/产品/服务).

3. 询问同事需求:How can I help you? Do you need any assistance? Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

4. 请同事帮忙:Would you please help me ___ (需求)? I'd appreciate your help with ___ (需要帮助的事项). If you have time, I was hoping you could ___ (要求).

5. 会议开场白:Thank you all for coming. The goal of this meeting is to ___ (会议目的). First, let's welcome our guests ___. Agenda for today: ___(议题1), ___(议题2), ___(议题3)...Let's get started, shall we?

6. 电话英语:This is ___ (你的名字) from ___(公司名称). May I speak to ___ (联系人姓名)? I'm calling to check on the status of ___ (事项). Please call me back at your convenience. My phone number is ___.

7. 日常问候:Good morning/afternoon, everyone! How's everything going? Have a nice day! See you around. Let's cat1�达,职场交流更加顺畅。



1. 图文并茂:初中英语课件通常会用大量的图片、图表、动画等形式来展示课程内容,这样可以让学生更加直观地理解和记忆。

2. 多媒体互动:初中英语课件通常会采用多种多媒体形式,如音频、视频、互动游戏等,以吸引学生的注意力和提高学习兴趣。

3. 精简明了:初中英语课件的内容通常会经过筛选和卡片化处理,以保证内容精简明了,易于学生理解和消化。

4. 强调语言实用性:初中英语课件通常会强调语言的实用性,通过大量的例句和语法练习,帮助学生掌握英语的基本语言能力。

5. 多元化教学:初中英语课件还可以通过多元化的教学设计,如小组讨论、问题解决等方式,培养学生的自主学习和合作能力。


In our modern world of automatic cameras,which focus for us and adjust the exposure in an ever more perfect way (most of the time),the biggest difference between a good photograph and a mediocre one is the compositon.

In every photograph we take,we can decide where the boundaries of that photo will be,called the cropping.We can also choose the viewpoint.If we are taking pictures of people or movable objects then,often,we also have the opportunity to arrange them into the shapes we want.







