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zhao_admin2023-11-03 19:31:04英语课件1












Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am very happy to be here with you today. Today, we are going to learn some English together. Let’s start with a little introduction about ourselves.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am your English teacher. I come from [teacher’s home town/city], and I have been teaching English for [number of years] years. I really love teaching because I enjoy seeing my students learn and grow. Now, it’s your turn to introduce yourself. [Call on each student to introduce themselves].


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about sports. Can anyone tell me what sports they like to play? [Allow time for students to answer].

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to sports. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “What’s missing?” I will show you a picture with some of the vocabulary words we just learned. You will look at the picture for a few seconds and then I will cover it up. You will then have to tell me what word is missing from the picture. [Display the picture and cover it up after a few seconds. Allow time for students to identify the missing word.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about the weather. Can anyone tell me what the weather is like today? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to the weather. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Hot and Cold.” I will think of a word related to the weather, and you will have to guess what word I am thinking of. If you are getting closer to the word, I will say “hot.” If you are getting further away from the word, I will say “cold.” [Think of a word related to the weather and allow students to guess until they get the right word.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about animals. Can anyone tell me what their favorite animal is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to animals. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Animal Charades.” I will describe an animal without saying its name, and you will have to guess what animal I am talking about. [Describe an animal without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right animal.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about food. Can anyone tell me what their favorite food is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to food. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Guess the Food.” I will describe a food without saying its name, and you will have to guess what food I am talking about. [Describe a food without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right food.]





第三题:Dear diary,I am going back to America next month.I will leave China and all my friends.We will have a party next Sunday.I am excited.Everyone is going to bring gifts.I am also going to give five gifts.John likes collecting stamps.I will give him a small stamp from America.Mike likes playing the violin.I will give him a CD with violin music.Chen Jie likes drawing pictures.I will give her some coloured pencils.Wu Yifan likes making things.He is going to be a scientist in thefuture.I will give him a book about Thomas Edison.I am sure he will like that.I donot want to say goodbye to my friends.Match and say John:collecting stamps a stamp from America Mike:playing the violin a CD Chen Jie:drawing pictures some coloured pencils Wu Yifan:making things a book about ThomasEdison 第四题:what a beautiful classroom ,there are some balloons in it .there is a camera.there is a cake in the desk.there are three watermelons in it.there is a picture on the board.there are some gifts in it.



