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zhao_admin2023-11-12 03:01:50语文课件1






英语单词是: this






语文课和数学课,英语是:Chinese and maths.详细解释:Chinese 英[ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] 美[tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis]n. 中文; 汉语; 华人; 中国人;adj. 中国的; 中文的; 中国人的; 中国话的;[例句]The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles.这个新设计融合了中西式的优点。and 英[ənd] 美[ənd, ən,ænd]conj. 而且; 和,与; 于是,然后; 因此;[例句]When he returned, she and Simon had already gone.他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。maths 英[mæθs] 美[mæθs]n. 数学; =mathematics(英);[例句]He taught science and maths.他教科学和数学这两门课。


爱情的英语单词:love读音:英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌv] 释义:

1、vt.& vi.喜欢;爱,热爱;爱戴;赞美,称赞2、vt.喜欢;喜爱;喜好;爱慕3、n.热爱;爱情,爱意;疼爱;爱人,所爱之物love and marriage 恋爱与婚姻 love music 爱情音乐love of books 对书本的喜爱 love of life 对生活的热爱true love 真爱 great love至爱同义词辨析1、ove v. 热爱,爱慕〔辨析〕指热爱国家、组织等,词义庄重,感情色彩浓厚;也指爱慕某人或深爱亲友等。〔例证〕He loves freedom.

2、adore v. 深爱,敬慕,爱慕〔辨析〕指非常热爱或敬佩某人,并以其为骄傲。〔例证〕The boys adore their mothers.

3、worship v. 热爱,景仰,爱慕〔辨析〕尤指非常爱慕某人乃至看不到其缺点。〔例证〕He absolutely worships her.


1、hope 读音:英 [həʊp] 美 [hoʊp]    v. 希望;期望;盼望n. 希望We hope that we will be better paid.我们希望得到更好的报酬。

2、prospect 读音:英 ['prɒspekt] 美 ['prɑːspekt]    n. 希望;前景;景色v. 勘探;寻找John is in high spirits at the prospect.约翰对前景充满希望。

3、wish  读音:英 [wɪʃ] 美 [wɪʃ]    v. 希望;想要n. 愿望;命令;渴望;祝颂(表达这个意思时,常用复数)If possible, I wish to work in sales department.如果可能的话,我希望在销售部工作。

4、promise读音:英 ['prɒmɪs] 美 ['prɑːmɪs]    n. 诺言;预示;约定;(有)希望v. 允诺;发誓;答应;有希望David promises well as an actor.作为演员,大卫很有希望成功。

5、want读音:英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑːnt] v.要;想要;希望;需要;需要…在场n.需要的东西;想望的东西;缺少;缺乏;不足;贫穷;贫困;匮乏The party wants her as leader.




你好,很高兴为你解答, 猴子单词是monkey 音标:[ˈmʌŋki] 其他释义:n. 猴; 猿; 淘气鬼; 小淘气; vi. 胡闹; 捣蛋; vt. 嘲弄; 相关知识:第三人称单数:monkeys 复数:monkeys 现在分词:monkeying 过去式:monkeyed 过去分词:monkeyed 例句:The boy climbed up the tree like a monkey. 这男孩像猴子般地爬上树去。

The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground. 这只猴子爬到树上往地面扔坚果。


accredited journalist  n.特派记者advertisement  n.广告 advance  n.预发消息;预写消息affair  n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote  n.趣闻轶事assignment  n.采写任务attribution  n.消息出处;消息来源back alley news  n.小道消息backgrounding  n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里banner  n.通栏标题beat  n.采写范围blank  vt.“开天窗”body  n.新闻正文boil  vt.压缩(篇幅)box  n.花边新闻brief  n.简讯bulletin  n.新闻简报byline  n.署名文章caption  n.图片说明caricature  n.漫画carry  vt.刊登cartoon  n.漫画censor  vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart  n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜clipping  n.剪报column  n.专栏,栏目columnist  n.专栏作家continued story  连载故事,连载小说contributing editor  特约编辑contribution  n.(投给报刊的)稿件,投稿contributor  n.投稿人copy desk  n.新闻编辑部copy editor  n.文字编辑correction  n.更正(启事)correspondence column  读者来信专栏correspondent  n.驻外记者,常驻外埠记者cover  vt.采访,采写cover girl  n.封面女郎covert coverage  隐性采访,秘密采访crop  vt.剪辑(图片)crusade  n.宣传攻势cut  n.插图 vt.删减(字数)cut line  n.插图说明daily  n.日报dateline  n.新闻电头deadline  n.截稿时间dig  vt.深入采访,追踪(新闻线索),“挖”(新闻)digest  n.文摘editorial  n.社论editorial office  编辑部editor's notes  编者按exclusive  n.独家新闻expose  n.揭丑新闻,新闻曝光extra  n.号外eye-account  n.目击记,记者见闻faxed photo  传真照片feature  n.特写,专稿feedback  n.信息反馈file  n.发送消息,发稿filler  n.补白First Amendment  (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)five "W's" of news  新闻五要素flag  n.报头,报名folo (=follow-up)  n.连续报道Fourth Estate  第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the Press  新闻自由free-lancer  n.自由撰稿人full position  醒目位置Good news comes on crutches.  好事不出门。grapevine  n.小道消息gutter  n.中缝hard news  硬新闻,纯消息headline  n.新闻标题,内容提要hearsay  n.小道消息highlights  n.要闻hot news  热点新闻human interest  人情味in-depth reporting  深度报道insert  n.& vt.插补段落,插稿interpretative reporting  解释性报道invasion of privacy  侵犯隐私(权)inverted pyramid  倒金字塔(写作结构)investigative reporting  调查性报道journalism  n.新闻业,新闻学Journalism is literature in a hurry  新闻是急就文学.journalist  n.新闻记者kill  vt.退弃(稿件),枪毙(稿件)layout  n.版面编排,版面设计lead  n.导语libel  n.诽谤(罪)makeup  n.版面设计man of the year  年度新闻人物,年度风云人物mass communication  大众传播(学)mass media  大众传播媒介master head  n.报头,报名media  n.媒介,媒体Mere report is not enough to go upon.  仅是传闻不足为凭.morgue  n.报刊资料室news agency  通讯社news clue  新闻线索news peg  新闻线索,新闻电头newsprint  n.新闻纸news value  新闻价值No news is good news.  没有消息就是好消息,不闻凶讯便是吉nose for news  新闻敏感obituary  n.讣告objectivity  n.客观性off the record  不宜公开报道opinion poll  民意浏验periodical  n.期刊pipeline  n.匿名消息来源popular paper  大众化报纸,通俗报纸press  n.报界,新闻界press conference  新闻发布会,记者招待台press law  新闻法press release  新闻公告,新闻简报PR man  公关先生profile  n.人物专访,人物特写proofreader  n.校对员pseudo event  假新闻quality paper  高级报纸,严肃报纸quarterly  n.季刊readability  n.可读性reader's interest  读者兴趣reject  vt.退弃(稿件)remuneration  n.稿费,稿酬reporter  n.记者rewrite  vt.改写(稿件);改稿round-up  n.综合消息scandal  n.丑闻scoop  vt.“抢”(新闻) n.独家新闻sensational  a.耸人听闻的,具有轰动效应的sex scandal  桃色新闻sidebar  n.花絮新闻slant  n.主观报道,片面报道slink ink  “爬格子”soft news  软新闻source  n.新闻来源,消息灵通人士spike  vt.退弃(稿件),“枪毙”(稿件)stone  vt.拼版story  n.消息,稿件,文章stringer  n.特约记者,通讯员subhead  n.小标题,副标题supplement  n.号外,副刊,增刊suspended interest  悬念thumbnail  n.“豆腐干”(文章)timeliness  n.时效性,时新性tip  n.内幕新闻,秘密消息trim  n.删改(稿件)update  n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)watchdog  n.&vt.舆论监督weekly  n.周报wire service  n.通讯社


桃花 英语单词:peach blossom 例句: I like the peach blossoms . 我喜欢桃花。



美 [dʒʌmp]

英 [dʒʌmp]





第三人称单数:jumps 现在分词,jumping 过去式,jumped  

1.jump down sbs throat

愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人to react very angrily to sb

2.jump the gun

抢跑;过早行动to do sth too soon, before the right time

3.jump the lights

闯红灯to fail to stop at a red traffic light

4.jump out of your skin

大吃一惊;吓一大跳to move violently because of a sudden shock

5.jump the queue

插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn

6.jump the rails

出轨;脱轨to leave the rails suddenly

7.jump ship

擅自弃职离船to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission

擅自离队;擅离职守to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly

8.jump through hoops

(为达到目的而)经受磨难to do sth difficult or complicated in order to achieve sth

9.jump to it

赶快;加油;快点干used to tell sb to hurry and do something quickly



