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访客2年前 (2021-06-02)语文课件74

  A Teaching Plan for Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 Festivals


General objectives:

1。To read to learn the main Chinese seasonal festivals and their history origin and meanings。

2。To help them learn some phrasal verbs and functional items about the topic and try to use them。

Language aim:


Be celebrated by, fall on , mark, be decorated with, tradition/traditional, serve, take part in, get together

  important sentences:

The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people。

The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month。

It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year。

Ability aim:

1)。Improving the ability of getting the general information and specific information from reading a text。

2)。 Using own words to describe some important Chinese festivals。

Emotion aim:

To promote students’ qualities of a patriotism(爱国主义精神,爱国心) by learning the main Chinese festivals and learn their history origin and their meanings。

Teaching important points and difficult points:

1)。To get information from reading

2)。To talk about festivals freely in English。

Teaching methods:

Brainstorming, task-based teaching method , heuristic teaching method , group work。

Teaching aids:

a recorder, a computer, and blackboard

Teaching procedures:

   Greeting and reviewing。

Greet the class as usual。

Ask: what we can celebrate in our life? Get students to answer using the key words in warming up。

Graduation, a birthday, Christmas, passing an exam, winning a scholarship, a sporting victory, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the New Year, a wedding, Halloween, the Dragon Boat Festival


Show students many pictures of different seasons on the screen , asking: What’s your favourite season? Why? Help students answer using the words that they have already learned。
   Then ask: What festivals happen during your favourite seasons? Show more pictures about different festivals on the screen to help them to answer。

Students can work together to answer this question。 Eg,

T:What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season? ( have a discussion)

(S1: I liker summer。
   There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day。

S2: My favorite season is winter。 They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day。

S3: ……

T:Well done。 Thank you。

Explain the differences between Day and Festival。



Get students to read the text quickly, match the pictures with the festivals。

Activity2。 Guessing。

Show some describing sentences on the screen to let students read and guess the names of the three festivals 。

Activity3。 Careful-reading

This time let students read the text carefully and get more detailed information to fill in the table of exercise3 on page36。

Ask some students to report their answers to the class。

Step4。 Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to fill in the blanks according the text。

1。The Mid-Autumn Festival happens in September or______。 it is important because it is a special _____ for family。

   There are many different kinds of mooncakes ____ fruit, coffee, chocolate and so on。

3。 The ____ ____ Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year。

4。The Dragon boat race marks the _____ of the hottest season of the year。

5。________Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration。

Step5。 Post-reading。

Let students discuss with a partner and answer the following question。

Which festival in China is most important for children? Young people? Old people? Women and men?

Then ask some students to give a report。

Step6。 Homework。

1。 do the exercise 9 on Page 37

2。 remember the new words in Lesson One。

3。 use your own words to describe a festival that you are familiar with。

Step7。 Blackboard design。

Lesson 1 Festivals

The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people。

The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month。

It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year。








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