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访客2年前 (2021-06-03)英语课件76

会计专业”用英文是Accounting major短语:o Major in Accounting 主修会计学With major in Accounting 会计专业毕业1.Teaching and personnel training of the accounting major in higher vocational education isunable to suit social needs. 摘要高职教育会计专业的教学和人才培养难以适应社会的需要.2.The multi-level teaching of Accounting major is a trial of the reform. 会计专业分层次教学就是对高职教学模式改革的尝试.3.I teach accounting major students. 我教财会专业的学生.


Assets(资产) refer to enterprises of past transactions or events which are owned or controlled by an enterprise, and is expected to generate economic benefits to the enterprise's resources.

Liabilities(负债) are past transactions or events, is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise's real obligations.

Owners' equity(所有者权益) refers to the enterprise assets after deducting liabilities by the residual interest.

Income (收入)is to show enterprise in daily activities, increases in owners' equity, other than those relating to contributions irrelevant the gross inflow of economic benefits.

Cost(费用)is to show the enterprise in the daily activities, will lead to owners' equity, other than those relating to appropriations of profits irrelevant gross outflow of economic benefits.

Profit(利润) refers to an enterprise for a certain accounting period of the operation result




