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访客2年前 (2021-06-05)英语课件72

unit 6 Famous stories

A The children are at the library.Read ,listen and act.

Pat: I'm going to get this book.

Tim: What is it ?

Pat: It's the story of Mulan. I like her.She's smart,brave and hard-working.

Tim: I like this one. It's Journey to the West.Monkey King is strong, exciting and funny.

Pat: How about you,Koko and Bill? Which books do you like?


My favourite characters are Monkey King,Zhuge Liang,Mulan and Robin Hood.

I like Money King the best.He is the most interesting character.
Sometimes,he is hard-working but,usually,he is not.He is stronger than Robin Hood and more exciting than Mulan.He is the funniset character.
I always laugh at him.

Zhuage Liang is the smartest character.He is also very brave and hard-working.He did lots of difficult things and is still famous today.

Mulan is also interesting.She is braver and kinder than Monkey King.She is hard-working,too.She is more beartiful than Cinderella.

Robin Hood is more exciting than Mulan.He is hard-working,brave and kind too,but sometimes,he is not honest.

C Nuwa fixes the sky

Nuwa was a goddess.One day,she took some mud and made the first person.She liked the person and wanted to make lots of people.She made more with her hands but it was very hard work.

Then she had another idea.She took a branch and put it in the mud.The drops of mud hit the ground and became people.Soon ther were lots of people.They worked hard and lived happily.

Then,one day, a terrible storm came.It was very strong. It made a hole in the sky and it rained and rained.

Ther was water everywhere.Nuwa wanted to save the people,so she built a fire and melted rocks.She took some of these rocks.She took some of these rocks and flew into the sky.She worked for seven days and seven nights.Finally,Nuwa fixed the sky and the people wer safe again.






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