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100英语怎么读? 100 英语个十百千怎么读?

zhao_admin2023-12-29 14:12:48语文课件1



one hundred

英式读音:[wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]

美式读音:[wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]



1、I agree with you one hundred per cent.


2、The two events are separated in time by one hundred years.



一百的 fivescore

一百年 centenary

第一百的 hundredth

表示一百 centi

一百公尺 hectometer

第一百 hundredth

一百公克 hectogram

一百公升 hectoliter

一百米 hectometer

100 英语个十百千怎么读?

百 100 = hundred

千 1,000 = one thousand

百万 1,000,000 = one million

十亿 1,000,000,000 = one billion

万亿 1,000,000,000,000 = one trillion

从1数到10我们都会,一百一千呢?也很简单one hundred and one thousand. 一万是ten thousand,十万是one houndred thousand,百万不再是ten houndred thousand,老外又造了一个词million专门表示一百万,百万富翁就是millionaire. 千万就是ten million,万万(亿)就是one hundred million,十亿又有个新词了叫billion.百亿显然就是ten billion,千亿是one hundred billion. 说到这,总能猜到了吧,万亿肯定又有一个新词了,再下又是如出一辙。万亿很少用到了,这个词是trillion.



一万 10 thousand 一亿 100 million

十万 100 thousand 十亿 1 billion

百万 1 million 百亿 10 billion

千万 10 million 千亿 100 billion

万亿 1 trillion


1 thousand = 千 1 million = 百万 1 billion =十亿

10 thousand = 万 10 million = 千万 10 billion =百亿

100 thousand = 十万 100 million = 亿 100 billion =千亿

1 thrillion =万亿



100天英语是one hundred days,读作:万汗追德戴斯。


一百以上的读法:百位用基数词加hundred 加and 加十位和个位。如101读作 one hundred and one. 145读作one hundred and forty five.

100 = one hundred

200 = two hundred

500 = five hundred


我们常常说eleven hundred(1,100),twelve hundred(1,200)等,而不说one thousand one hundred。从1,100到1,900之间的整数,这种说法最常见。


1 one:[ w^n ]2 two:[ tu: ]3 three: [ θri: ] 4 four: [ fo: ]5 five: [ faiv ]6 six: [ siks ]7 seven: [ 'seven ] 8 eight: [ eit ]9 nine: [ nain ] 10 ten: [ ten ]11 eleven: [ i'leven ]12 twelve: [ twelv ]13 thirteen: [ 'θə:'ti:n ] 14 fourteen: [ 'fo:'ti:n ]15 fifteen: [ 'fif'ti:n ]16 sixteen: [ 'siks'ti:n ]17 seventeen: [ 'seven'ti:n ] 18 eighteen: [ 'ei'ti:n ]19 nineteen:[ 'nain'ti:n ]20 twenty: [ 'twenti ]21 twenty-one [ 'twenti- w^n ]22 twenty- two23 twenty- three24 twenty- four25 twenty- five26 twenty- six27 twenty- seven28 twenty- eight29 twenty- nine30 thirty: [ 'θe:ti ]31 thirty- one:[ 'θe:ti - w^n ]32 thirty- two33 thirty- three34 thirty- four35 thirty- five36 thirty- six37 thirty- seven38 thirty- eight39 thirty- nine40 forty: [ 'fo:ti ]41 forty- one:[ 'fo:ti- w^n ]42 forty- two43 forty- three44 forty- four45 forty- five46 forty- six47 forty- seven48 forty- eight49 forty- nine50 fifty: [ 'fifti ]51 fifty- one:['fifti - w^n ]52 fifty- two53 fifty- three54 fifty- four55 fifty- five56 fifty- six57 fifty- seven58 fifty- eight59 fifty- nine60 sixty: [ 'siks'ti]61 sixty- one:[ 'siks'ti - w^n ]62 sixty- two63 sixty- three64 sixty- four65 sixty- five66 sixty- six67 sixty- seven68 sixty- eight69 sixty- nine70 seventy: [ 'seven'ti] 71 seventy- one:[ 'seven'ti- w^n ]72 seventy- two73 seventy- three74 seventy- four75 seventy- five76 seventy- six77 seventy- seven78 seventy- eight79 seventy- nine80 eighty:[ 'ei'ti]81 eighty- one:[ 'ei'ti- w^n ]82 eighty- two83 eighty- three84 eighty- four85 eighty- five86 eighty- six87 eighty- seven88 eighty- eight89 eighty- nine90 ninety:[ 'nainti ]91 ninety-one:[ 'nainti - w^n ]92 ninety- two93 ninety- three94 ninety- four95 ninety- five96 ninety- six97 ninety- seven98 ninety- eight99 ninety- nine100 one hundred (a hundred)基数词 : 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下:1、从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten。2、从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。3、从 20——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six。


1.How many luggages are you checking in?有多少件托运行李?

  2.Do you have a carry-on?有手提行李没?

  3.Can you place your baggage up here?请把行李放上来(传送带上).

  4.Your luggage is overweight.您的行李超重了.

  5.Single or return?您想要单程的.还是往返的票?

  6.Do you prefer window or aisle?您想要靠窗还是靠走廊的座位?

  7.We do not have any aisle seats remaining.Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠走廊的座位卖完了,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?

  8.Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?

  9.Here are your tickets.The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket.给您机票,登机口号在机票底部写着.

  10.They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time.You should report to gate C2 by then.您需要在起飞前20分钟登机,到时候请您去C2登机口登机.


【watermelon】 英语读音【ˈwɔ:təmelən】 美语读音【ˈwɔ:tərmelən】 意思是【西瓜】。 双语例句

1. This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size. 这种西瓜个头儿大.

2. I bought a watermelon and some peaches. 我买了一个西瓜和一些桃子.

3. The watermelon has gotten bad. 西瓜坏了.

4. Oh, what a big watermelon! 喔唷, 这么大的西瓜!

5. The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy. 这西瓜瓤儿太肉了.


anne [æn] n. 安妮(女子名) 短语 Anne Frank 安妮·弗兰克 ; 安妮·法兰克 ; 弗兰克 ; 安妮法兰克 Anne Boleyn 安妮·博林 ; 安娜·波莲 ; 安·博林 ; 安妮 Anne Fletcher 安妮·弗莱彻 ; 弗莱彻 ; 导演 ; 弗莱契 Anne Will 安妮·威尔 ; 安娜·维尔 Anne Hill 安山 Anne Heche 安妮·海切 ; 安海契 ; 安妮 ; 安妮·希奇 Anne Sinclair 辛克莱 ; 安妮·辛克莱 ; 克莱尔 ; 辛克雷 Anne McLaren 安妮·麦克拉伦 ; 麦克拉伦 ; 麦克莱伦 Anne Hidalgo 伊达尔戈 ; 伊达戈 ; 市长希达哥 ; 巴黎市长伊达戈




X 英 [eks] 美 [eks] n.英语字母表的第24个字母;(用于度量单位间)表示“乘以”



