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访客2年前 (2021-06-08)英语课件79

英文: Newton (1643-1727), the history of mankind there have been the greatest, most influential scientists, physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, and the British Royal Society. Made a significant contribution in the fields of science. Astronomy by demonstrating consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravity, showing the ground object and the movement of celestial bodies follow the same law of nature; thus eliminating the last vestiges of doubt the center of the sun. and to promote the scientific revolution. Mechanics, gravitation, and the creation of"Newton's three laws. On optics, he invented the reflecting telescope, and found that the dispersion of light phenomenon, and the development of color theory. Mathematics, he shared with Gottfried Leibniz developed the calculus of honor. He also proved that the generalized binomial theorem, the Newton method to approach the function of zero, and the study of power series has contributed to. But in his later years to indulge in theological studies (mainly because he was not found "the law of conservation of mass, to see that all this is God in control, they began to study theology) The series of phenomena, but puzzling, 1727 death. His word is very famous: "If I see farther than others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
中文意思: 牛顿(1643-1727),人类历史上出现过的最伟大、最有影响的科学家,物理学家,数学家,哲学家,英国皇家学会会员。在科学领域上做出了重大贡献。天文学上,他通过论证开普勒行星运动定律与他的引力理论间的一致性,展示了地面物体与天体的运动都遵循着相同的自然定律;从而消除了对太阳中心说的最后一丝疑虑,并推动了科学革命。力学上,发现了万有引力,并提出了“牛顿三定律”。光学上,他发明了反射式望远镜,并发现了光的色散现象,并发展了颜色理论。数学上,他与戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨分享了发展出微积分学的荣誉。他也证明了广义二项式定理,提出了“牛顿法”以趋近函数的零点,并为幂级数的研究作出了贡献。但晚年沉醉于神学研究(主要原因是他当时没有发现“质量守恒定律”,在看到一系列的现象但百思不得其解后,认为这一切都是神在操控,便开始研究神学),1727年逝世。他有一句话是非常闻名的:“如果说我比别人看得更远些,那是因为我站在了巨人的肩上。”




