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求上海新世纪英语高一第一课课文 急用 好得+分

访客2年前 (2021-06-10)英语课件78

I Came Across a Ghost
To tell you the truth, I used to be a very superstitious person, and believed in ghosts, fortunetellers, palm readers, etc. there was a list of things that didn’t seem appropriate for a person of my education to believe in.
One day, however, I was totally converted through my personal experience with a “ghost”.
It was last year that I visited my friends Keith and Alice who had bought an old house in the country. They told me that they bought it because it was haunted. They found some ghosts living there. It sounded so horrifying and exciting that I decided to call on them and have a look at the living ghosts.
They were waiting for me when I arrived at the little country station, and we drove together to the house. It was a good-looking old houses. We had a very pleasant meal together. While we were sitting around a warm fire in the sitting room, I asked Keith to tell me more about the haunted house.
“It’s very old,” I said, ”Did you ever come across any ghosts yourself?”
“Oh, yes,” he replied. “I saw one moving about the other day——an old lady. She came down the stairs when I was coming into the hall to make a telephone call.” I felt my heart beating faster. “It’s quite true,” he went on. “She wore a large hat so I couldn’t make out her face. But it’s her hands that I remember, anyway. I saw her hands swinging. They were horribly white!”
We chatted a little longer and after that, at about midnight, I went up to my room. I searched my room for any traces of ghosts but failed. Then I fell asleep straightaway. In my dream I saw a lady ghost moving up to me with her white hands swinging. So I woke up. I looked at my watch——it was 2:00AM. Out of the window I saw the moon and I heard the clock in the corner of the room ticking away slowly but clearly.
Suddenly I saw it! There, at the bottom of the bed, was a ghosts white hand! Immediately, I caught hold of a heavy lamp from the table near the bed and threw it with all my force at the hand. Then I heard myself screaming with pain. It was not a hand at all. It was my own foot!
And my old belief has gone with that pain forever!

告诉你事实,我过去一直是个非常迷信的人, 而且还相信有鬼,算命的,看手相的人等等。我相信这一系列的东西;它们似乎不应当是我这种教育背景的人会相信。
我拜访了我的朋友Keith和去年已经买了一楝旧的房子在乡村里的Alice。 他们告诉我他们相信因为鬼经常拜访。他们发现一些鬼住在那里。那听起来如此的吓人而且兴奋以致于我决定拜访他们并且去看活着的鬼。
当我到达小乡村站的时候他们正在等候我,我们一起开车到房子。那是一楝好看的旧房子看上去和周围的房子没太大区别。我们一起吃了非常愉快的一餐。 当我们正在无所事就坐房间的取暖火时候,我要求Keith告诉我更多有关房子的鬼神出没。
“哦,是的,”他答复道。“我看见一个移动有一些天了——是一个老妇人。 当我正在进入门厅打一个电话的时候,她下楼梯”我的心跳得很快。“那相当真实,"他继续说道。“她戴了一顶大的帽子,如此我不能看清她的脸。但她的手我记得,无论如何。我看见了她的手在摇摆。他们是白色很可怕!”








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