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访客2年前 (2021-06-10)英语课件75



The Global Drink

Tea, the golbal drink, is consumed around the world more than any other drink except water. Originating in China ,tea has long established itself as the national drink of this country, the nation with the biggest population on earth.

A century before the birth of Christ, tea was described in Chinese texts as a health drink that made one live longer. Tea is still being regarded as such. Scientific studies have suggested that drinking five cups of tea a day can be compared to having two servings of vegetables. Both green and black teas are claimed to be effective for preventing cancer, heart disease, and many other deadly diseases. There is only one point people need to be aware of when they drink tea --- it should not be durnk along with meals. This is because an element contained in tea can interfere with the body's absorption of iron.

Tea, a popular drink in China and many other countries, is carefully prepared according to local customs. The Chinese put loose tea in teapots, add boiling water, and serce it in teacups. The strong tea from China's Fujian Province is drunk in tiny cups before dinner. Lighter teas with jasmine, rose or other flowers, are special to China's Changjiang River regions. These are usually served after dinner to help digestion.

In England people use teabags and mugs. Many English people, travelling away from home, feel at a loss if their favourite teabags are not available. afernoon tea in England is still a time-honoured tradition. It's a good opportunity for people to socialize or discuss business matters, though now more young people prefer a cola.

In Japan, a tea ceremony is often held while people are drinking tea. The ceremony, usually held in a teahouse, dates back to the sixteenth century. Guests follow strict rules set up then and the tea used is a powdered green tea. Though still practise today, the tea ceremony may not be as popular as it used to be. Young Japanese tend to favour other drinks.











