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访客2年前 (2021-06-10)英语课件71

There be a pattern of usage

Constitute: There be ... the sentence said somewhere (there is) someone or something ", its structure is There be (is, are, was, were) + noun + Location adverbial. For example:

There are fifty-two students in our class.

There is a pencil in my pencil-case.

There was an old house by the river five years ago.

II various Sentence:

Negative sentence: There be negated sentence Sentence Patterns containing be verb sentence, add "not be after. Can also be used to indicate "no". Namely: no + n (noun) = not a \ an \ any + n (noun). Note: no + n (can count noun single number) = not a \ an + n. (Can count noun single number); no + n. (Count nouns plural) = not any + n. (Can count nouns plural); no + n. (uncountable noun) = not any + n. (uncountable noun). For example:

There is an orange in her bag.

→ There isn't an orange in her bag.

→ There is no orange in her bag.

There are some oranges in her bag.

→ There aren't any oranges in her bag.

→ There are no oranges in her bag.

There is some juice in the bottle.

→ There isn't any juice in the bottle.

→ There is no juice in the bottle.

  General Question: There be general interrogative structure changes only need to be a verb to the beginning of the sentence with a question mark on the end can be. For example:
There is some money in her handbag.
→ Is there any money in her handbag? (Questions and negative sentences, some changed any, something changed anything.)

There is something new in today's newspaper.

→ There isn't anything new in today's newspaper.

→ Is there anything new in today's newspaper?

Special questions:

The sentence There be special interrogative following three forms:

Asked on the subject: When the subject is a person with "Who's + prepositional phrase?"; When the decision is made, with "What's + prepositional phrase?" Which there is often omitted in spoken. Note: Whether the subject of the original sentence is singular or plural, and generally be the singular form of their questions (they answer according to the actual situation to decide). Such as:
    There is a bird in the tree. → What's in the tree?
    There are some bikes over there. → What's over there?

There is a little girl in the room. → Who is in the room?

② Location adverbial questions: "Where is \ are + subject?" (Note A language change): For example:
   There is a computer in my office.

→ Where is the computer? ---- It's in my office.
   There are four children in the classroom.

→ Where are the four children?-They 're in the classroom.
    ③ number of questions: There are two questions are asked:

If the subject is a countable noun is singular or plural, are used, said: "How many + countable noun plural + are there + prepositional phrase?"

There are twelve months in a year.

→ How many months are there in a year?

There is only one book in my bag.

→ How many books are there in your bag?

There is a cat in the box.

→ How many cats are there in the box?

If the subject is an uncountable noun, with "How much + uncountable noun + is there + prepositional phrase?" Said:

There is some money in my purse. How much money is there in

your purse?

Disjunctive Questions: There be, or There plus other verbs, Disjunctive Questions shall be used ... there? For example:

There is a beautiful girl in the garden, isn't there?

There used to be no school here, used there \ did there?


1 the sentence There be be a verb form and thereafter subject in person and number on consistency.

If the subject of the sentence is singular countable noun or an uncountable noun, be the verb "is" "was". For example:
There is a basketball in the box.

There is a little milk in the glass.

If the subject of the sentence is a plural noun, be verbs with "are" "were". For example:
There are many birds in the tree.

There were many people in the street yesterday.

If there are two or more nouns as subject, be verbs and closest to on that subject in a few consistent, that is, we often say that the "principle of proximity". For example:
There is an orange and some bananas in the basket.
There are some bananas and an orange in the basket.
    2. There with be the middle insert some tables speculated that the modal verb table when the state of phrase and some verb phrases (such as in the future when you be going to \ will, now completed, have \ has + pp, used to structure, etc. used in conjunction attention to the form of its constituent content in our daily practice, often an error occurs, a difficulty, but also a test center in exams over the years). For example:

There must be a pen in the box.

There happened to be some money in my pocket.

There is going to be a meeting tonight.

There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.

There used to be a church across from the bank.

    There be sentence and have \ has the distinction:

The sentence There be said there have \ has said that "owns" all ", the two can not be used simultaneously, for example:

Three books of the table. There are three books on the desk.

I have three books. I have three books.

    4. There be + subject + doing + prepositional phrase. Example:

There is a truck collecting rubish outside.

There is a wallet lying on the ground.

Fourth, Exercise: Choose the best answers.

1. There isn't _____ water in the glass. Let's go and get some.

A. many B. lots C. any D. some
2. There ___ a lot of news about Zhang Ziyi on TV last night.
  A. was B. had C. is D. were
3. There ____ many changes in the village recently.

  A. is B. are C. have been D. to be

4. --- There _______ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?

--- Just a little, please.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

5. There _______ some books, a ballpen and a ruler on the desk.

  A. is B. are C. have D. has

6. There _______ a ballpen, a ruler and some books on the desk.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

7. There is a boy _______ at the door.

A. stand B. standing C. stood D. is standing

8. --- _______is In the house?

--- There is an old women in the house.

A. What B. Whose C. Who D.Which

 9. There used to be a tower here, _____?
   A. usedn't it B. used there C. didn't it D. didn't there
10. There ____ a meeting tonight.
  A. is going be B. is going to have C. is going to D. is going to be












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