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zhao_admin2024-03-10 03:14:45历史课件1


1. adage (noun) - a proverb, wise saying

2. audacious (adjective) - bold, adventurous, recklessly daring

3. collaborate (verb) - to work with, work together

4. frugal (adjective) - poor, meager

5. indiscriminate (adjective) - without restraint or control; unselective

6. invalidate (verb) - to make valueless, take away all force or effect

7. perspective (noun) - a point of view or general standpoint from which different things are viewed, physically or mentally; the appearance to the eye of various objects at a given time, place, or distance

8. peruse (verb) - to read thoroughly and carefully

9. relevant (adjective) - connected with or related to the matter at hand

10. skittish (adjective) extremely nervous and easily frihtened; shy or timid; extremely cautious; unstable, undependable

11.frivolous (adjective) of little importance, not worthy of serious attention; not meant seriously

12. ostracize (verb) - to exclude from a group, banish, send away

13. plausible (adjective) - appearing true, reasonable, or fair

14. preclude (verb) - to make impossible, prevent, shut out




