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科普版小学五年级英语上册lesson3 Whan are you doing ?教案

访客2年前 (2021-06-21)英语课件62

pep五年级下册Unit 4 What are you doing?A Let’s learn 教学设计赣州市滨江二小 黄晓燕一、教学目标: 1、能听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures,doing the dishes,cooking dinner,reading a book,answering the phone。 2、能运用句子What are you doing?I’m doing the dishes/…询问别人正在做什么并作答。 3、听做Let’s try 巩固新学动词短语和句子。 4、说唱Let’s chant巩固复习以上动词短语、句子。二、教学重难点: 1、掌握五个动词短语的ing形式。 2、运用句子What are you doing?I’m doing the dishes/…问答。 3、动词短语ing形式读音。三、课前准备: 1、五个动词短语卡片。 2、电话等实物道具。 3、录音机、录音带。四、教学过程: Warm-up: 1、Greeting: Hello,boys and girls. I’m Miss Huang. I am glad to have a class with you here today.First, let me know something about you . (Qs:what’s your name?Can you do housework?What can you do? Can you cook the meals/sweep the floor/water th flowers/clean the bedroom/wash clothes/make the bed?)(可适当表扬you are helpful) 2、情景创设:CCTV少儿栏目将邀请部分同学参加节目录制。 T: This morning I got an e-mail from CCTV. (表情惊喜)Wow,CCTV! (沮丧)But it’s not for me. (声调提高) It’s for you!(手势)Let’s read the e-mail together , ok?(CAI出示信的内容) T:So exciting! But just some of you can get the chance to Beijing.How can we do?I have a good idea,I divided you into two groups, you’re sweeper group, you’re cooker group (出示小组标志). let’s have a competition , ok?Are you ready? Let’s go! 3、Round 1:( CAI)Speak out the phrases quickly.分组快速读出上册学过的动词短语,为新授铺垫(两组交替读,奖励小旗)。 Presentation:1、Look pictures and guess the actions:What is he /she doing?(what’s the action?)drawing pictures reading a book cooking dinner doing the dishes answering the phone(一边读一边出示卡片,范读,组读,个人读。读完贴在黑板上右侧)2、Robot game: (幻灯片出示Game Time)请学生扮演机器人,手拿道具,其它学生根据老师出示的词组(原形、ing形式交替)向机器人发出指令。当指令为ing形式时,机器人做动作,当指令为动词原形时,机器人停止动作不动。通过动静的对比,引导学生总结:动词ing形式表示动作正在进行。3、Practice: 活动一:根据教师出示动词(do、draw、read、cook、answer),学生说ing形式。先全班,后个人。活动二:写出下列动词的ing 形式(目的:适当拓展,为下一课做准备)全班先做,后叫五人来口头回答。 talk 、listen、wash、clean、write 活动三:根据教师出示动词短语,一组说原形(如do the dishes),另一组说ing形式(如doing the dishes)。 活动四:选词填空(CAI):检查学生对动词短语搭配的掌握,个别点做。活动五:向学生出示词组卡片,学生做相应动作(幻灯片出示show time) T:what are you doing? Ss:I am …(个别问)T:what are you doing? S :I am …4、板书句型What are you doing?I am drawing pictures. 范读,替换读。5、两人小组练习句型,比动作说短语。检查两人练习情况6、比一比,说一说:每组派五人上来比动作,其它学生问,五人依次答。7、听书P47 Let’s try, finish the exercise。8、P44 Let’s chant。 Homework:1、听录音,读熟五个动词短语,并抄写一遍。2、熟练运用句型What are you doing?问答,完成书P46 调查表。 板书: Unit 4 What are you doing? A Let’s learndrawing pictures (四线三格书写)What are you doing? reading a book I am doing the dishes. cooking dinner doing the dishes answering the phone








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