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zhao_admin2024-07-07 15:37:08英语课件20

Goodmorning/afternoon, everyone! I’m very glad to stand here to interpret mylesson. Today my topic is “What’s the best movie theater?”. I am going tointroduce my lesson from the following aspects: the analysis of teachingmaterial and students, teaching aims, teaching key points and difficult points,teaching and studying methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

I.Analysis of teaching material

Firstly,let’s focus on the analysis of teaching material.

Thislesson is form PEP Secondary English Book, the first semester of Grade 8, Unit4, Section A. The topic is the best movie theater. Because it is the first partof this unit, it’s very important for students’ further study. Through thislesson, students can know how to describe qualities of different movietheaters.

II.Analysis of students

Secondly,it is about the students. Our students are in Grade 8. They are active and interestedin new things.After learning English forseveralyears, they have some basicEnglish background knowledge, so Iwould attach importance to the communicationwith them, providing them more chances of using language.

III.Analysis of teaching aims

Based onthe New Curriculum Standard and the analysis of teaching material and students,I set the following teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Studentscan read new phrases such as comfortable seats, best sound, close to home, etcand use sentence patterns such as “What’s the best movie theater?” to makesentences correctly.

Ability aim:

Studentscan improve their reading and speaking abilities.

Emotional aim:

Studentscan express themselves in public bravely and cooperate with their classmates.

IV.Analysis of key and difficult points

Accordingto the aims of three-dimension, the key point of this lesson is:Students canget the main idea and detailed information of the listening material.

And thedifficult point is: Students can use new words and sentence patterns correctlyin their daily life and can have confidence in speaking English in public.

V.Analysis ofteaching and studying methods

Now, letme talk about teaching methods and study methods.When I deal with this lesson,I would use are Communication teaching method, Task based teaching method andAudio-lingual teaching method.

I willlead the students learn the knowledge by themselves, so the students would bethe real masters of the class. I would act just as a guide to bring theirability into full play.

VI.Analysisof teaching procedures

Next,let’s focus on the teaching procedures. I will finish the lesson in5steps.

Step 1 Warming up

Aftergreeting with the students, I will show some pictures about the movie theaterwith the help of the multimedia.

By doingthis,the atmosphere of the class will be warmed up and students will pay theirattention to the class.

Step 2 Pre-listening

I willwrite some new words and phrases on the blackboard such as comfortable seats,best sound, buy tickets quickly and close to home, and tell the students themeaning of these new words and phrases. I will ask students to read the newwords after me. Then ask students “what’s the best movie theater in your mind?”Let them talk about this question freely.

This stepcan clear off the obstacles and help students learn new content better.

Step 3 While-listening

I willplay the tape twice. For the first listening, students should find out the mainidea of the dialogue. When they finish listening, I will ask a student to tellus the answer and give him/her praise. Then they will listen to the tape againand answer the following questions:①What’s the quality of Movie World? ②What’s thequality of Town Cinema? ③What’s the quality of Screen City? Iwill choose some students to answer and also give them praise.

This stepcan help students get the main idea and basic information of the material.Students can understand listening material clearly.

Step 4 Post-listening

After listeningactivity, students has known the main content of the dialogue. Then I will letstudents to make new dialogues. One student asks “What’s the best movietheater?” and one student answers and gives reasons. Then change their roles.When they finish, I will choose some groups to perform their dialogues in frontof the class and give them praise.

This stepcan help students practice the new words, phrases and sentence structures theyhave learned in the class and strengthen their confidence to speak English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

I willask a student to be an assistant teacher to conclude what they have learnedtoday and adds some points he or she forgets. After class, students shouldwrite a short passage about their favorite movie theater with the newknowledge.This step can help students consolidate what they have learned today.

VII.Analysis of blackboard design

At lastis the blackboard design, this can help them master the rules and the keypoints. This also can help them make the notes.

That isall for my lecture, thanks for your listening.



