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zhao_admin2024-07-08 12:01:09英语课件23




1收集相关知识和素材, 2收集前人成功的案例,作品或者要求步骤点评什么的, 3找到一个合适的好看的模板, 4写好大纲或者思路, 5根据大纲往模板里面放材料, 6梳理整理PPT, 7修饰装点, 8自己演示一遍或者给权威审一遍 9再修改,如此反复,知道满意或者时间到了。




There are many verbs we can use to talk about the weather in English. Some of the most common ones include:

1. Rain: to fall from the sky in droplets

2. Snow: to fall from the sky as frozen water particles

3. Sleet: to fall from the sky as a mixture of snow and rain

4. Hail: to fall from the sky as ice pellets

5. Blow: to move quickly and forcefully, like wind

6. Freeze: to become solid due to cold temperatures

7. Heat: to make hotter or warmer

8. Cloud: to cover with clouds

9. Clear: to become free from clouds or fog

10. Shine: to emit light or heat, like the sun.

These verbs are useful for describing the weather and expressions like "It's raining cats and dogs" or "It's as hot as hell" can convey a lot of information about the weather in a creative way.


一、sunny 英 ['sʌni] 美 ['sʌni]    

adj. 阳光充足的;晴朗的;明媚的;快活的


Sunny weather alternated with rain.天气晴雨相间。

二、cloudy英 ['klaʊdi] 美 ['klaʊdi]    

adj. 多云的;阴天的;混浊的;模糊不清的

In that cloudy sky only one lone star can be seen.在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。

三、windy 英 ['wɪndi] 美 ['wɪndi]    

adj. 有风的;多风的

Hold on to the hat on a windy day.在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。

四、rainy 英 ['reɪni] 美 ['reɪni]    

adj. 多雨的;下雨的

I work both on sunny days and on rainy ones.我风雨无阻地工作。

五、snowy 英 ['snəʊi] 美 ['snoʊi]    

adj. 多雪的;被雪所覆盖著的;下雪的

It's cold and snowy in December.十二月是寒冷多雪的。


形容词:cloudy 阴天的 rainy 下雨的 sunny晴朗的 windy 有风的 snowy 下雪的 动词:rain 下雨 snow 下雪 shine 照耀 blow 刮风 thunder 打雷 名词:rain 雨 snow 雪 sun/sunshine 阳光 wind 风 cloud 云 storm 暴雨 thunderstorm 雷雨 thunde shower 雷阵雨 lightning 闪电 snowstorm 暴风雪 rainstorm 暴风雨


一、信息量大二、结构层次清晰 三、内容系统直观四、多种媒体选择合理五、逻辑性强







1. It's so hot outside that I saw a dog chasing a cat, and they were both walking.

2. It's so hot, I feel like I'm walking on the sun.

3. It's so hot, even the ice cream truck is selling soup.

4. It's so hot, I saw a squirrel pickpocketing a bird's nest for the shade.

5. It's so hot, I saw a chicken lay a fried egg.

6. It's so hot, I could fry an egg on my forehead.

7. It's so hot, I'm sweating like a sinner in church.

8. It's so hot, I'm pretty sure I just saw a snowman melt.

9. It's so hot, my deodorant is giving up.

10. It's so hot, I'm pretty sure I just saw a lizard ordering a cold drink at Starbucks.



