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访客2年前 (2021-06-28)英语课件71

Unit 1
1. 必背生词:B部分e69da5e887aae799bee5baa631333264636230所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: have, for, here, goodbye, sure, morning, Happy Teachers’ Day,
little, nice, I’ve got
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. Good morning, may I have a book for Miss Li?
2. Sure. Here you are. This book is for you.
3. I’ve got a nice little book.
4. Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank you!
5. Here’s a pretty dress for you.
6. The cat and the big cap are for the boys.

Unit 2
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: like lovely too I’d like please isn’t think photo fat are your his her there happy which
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. That’s a lovely bear,I think.
2. I like his lion, too.
3. I’d like her photo.
4. It isn’t your toy panda.
5. I’d like this green one, please.
6. Your five fat dogs are on the desk.

Unit 3
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: where over there perhaps classroom not at all excuse me sorry hamburger computer don’t know
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. What’s that over there?
2. Perhaps it’s her purse.
3. Excuse me, where’s my computer?
4. Let me see. Sorry I don’t know.
5. Thank you. Not at all.
6. Where are you? I’m here.

Unit 4
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: English love very much colour kitchen clean fly out
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. What’s that in English?
2. I love dolls very much.
3. Let’s colour this car green.
4. Sorry, you are out.
5. What’s in the kitchen?
6. Shall we clean the car?
7. I’m sorry. That’s OK.

Unit 6
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: try pair on long let’s now small funny so big they whose pretty short worry goat dear
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. It’s too small. Try this one on.
2. They are too long. Try this pair on.
3. Now, let’s go. Great.
4. He looks so funny.
5. They’re pretty. They are my father’s.
6. Whose shorts are they?
7. Don’t worry. You can have this short one.
Unit 7
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: time breakfast lunch late afternoon grandma shall cinema name forty thirty
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. What’s the time? It’s seven thirty-five. It’s late.
2. Shall we have breakfast, Grandma?
3. What time do you come home? I come home at four fifteen.
4. See you in the afternoon. See you.
5. It’s time to watch TV.
6. Shall we go by bus?
Unit 8
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: sorry again don’t sit down now stand up class word new puzzle good night give here out time for class but
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. Sorry, I’m late. That’s all right.
2. Stand up and read the new words.
3. Don’t draw in your book. Don’t write on the desk.
4. Let me see. Sorry I don’t know.
5. Draw a lovely dog for me.
6. Write the new words in your notebook.
7. Shall we do the puzzle now?
8. Go to bed now. Good night.
9. It’s time for class, but you are late.
Unit 9
1. 必背生词:B部分所有单词
2. 五星级必背生词: some glass cup water here’s here are evening soft drink sleepy bread morning
3. 白金级重点句子:(不能光会读,必须能默出来!)
1. Come and have a glass of water.
2. Here’s a cup of tea for you.
3. This cup of tea is for you.
4. Why don’t you get up now?
5. What’s the matter with you now?
6. Oh, dear! Are you ill? No, I’m not.
7. Look! I’ve got a new car.
8. Here’s some juice for you.




