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求初三 一篇英语课文 Unit 4的Travel

访客2年前 (2021-06-30)英语课件72

US President George W. Bush will nominate former national security council spokesman Sean McCormack, seen here in 2001, to replace State Department spokesman Richard Boucher.(AFP/File)
WASHINGTON, March 24 (Xinhuanet) -- US President George W. Bush will nominate former national security council spokesman Sean McCormack to replace State Department spokesman Richard Boucher, the White House announced Thursday.
McCormack, 40, is expected to become one of the most visible faces of US diplomacy after confirmation by the US Senate.
McCormack used to be spokesman for US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she was Bush's national security adviser, and before that served at the US embassies in Algiers and Ankara.
Boucher, who would likely leave his post upon McCormack's confirmation, was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in December 2000, according to his biography on the State Department's Internet site. End item





