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访客2年前 (2021-06-30)英语课件48

Being a political center for the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Beijing has long been regarded as a hot destination for tourists. It has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. The most famous are Tian’ anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, to name but a few.
When in Beijing, be prepared to:
1. Hold your breath when standing in front of the Forbidden City, Tian’ anmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, etc.
2. Be amazed by the Peking Opera and acrobatics(杂技) performances.
3. Exhaust yourself while doing shopping among numerous departments and shopping malls.
4. Forget your weight when dining at local restaurants.
The Forbidden City:
Built in 1406 and completed 14 years later, the 580-year-old Forbidden City, once beyond the reach of the common people, is the largest and best preserved complex of ancient building in China. The palace has seen 24 emperors altogether from the Ming and Qing Dynasies. Lying in the heart of Beijing, it has been restored many times but still maintained it’s original architectural style.
Bell Tower
Close behind the Drum Tower stands the Bell Towers, a 33-meter-high edifice(大厦)with gray walls and a green glazed roof. The Bell Tower originally housed a huge iron bell. But since its toll (钟声)was not loud enough, it was replaced by a massive cast bronze青铜的one over 10 inches thick that is still in perfect condition today. The iron bell was moved to the back of the Drum Tower where it has remained for over 500 years. Before 1924, the bronze bell could be heard ringing out the 7:00p.m. clime地域from a distance of over 20 kilometers.





