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求最新版人教版八年级下册英语单词 课文朗读+听力/mp3

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2014人教版八年级下册英语P59,第八单元3a翻译 请快速阅读鲁滨逊.克鲁索这段文章,然后回答下列问题: 问题:1、鲁滨逊.克鲁索在等谁?2 鲁滨逊.克鲁索为什么把这个人叫成Friday(星期五)? 课文内容: 当我最初到达这个小岛时,我一无所有。但是我找见了这艘轮船,制作了一艘小船。我带会许多东西,我能用的:食物与饮料,工具,刀子和猎枪。虽然我失去了一切东西,但是我没有失去生命。因此我不会放弃,我要等到另外的轮船到来。我砍下了许多树木、修建了一个房子。我差不多每天抗着枪出去打动物和鸟儿来做食物。我正在学习重水果和蔬菜。 几个星期前,我在沙滩上发现了其他人的脚印。这个岛上还有其他人?他们在这儿生活多久了?此后不久,我看见一些野人正在这个破船捕杀了两个人,一个人死了,另一个人向我的家逃跑了。我把他叫Friday(星期五),是因为那天我遇见了他。他很聪明,我教会了他一些英语。


Let’s do sports ! It is very important to be healthy , so we should do something useful for our body . I think doing sports is a good way to keep healthy . If you are thin and weak , you should do more sports because it can make your body much stronger. Doing sports can not only make your body strong but also make you relax yourself when you are free . we should make a decision in few seconds in the matches , so doing sports can also give us a clever head and make us think about anything quickly . It is a good way for us to solve problems !Doing sports is very interesting because you can do it in many different ways , such as :swimming , playing tennis , skating and so on . You can choose what you like best .Doing sports teach us many things and bring us more experience , so let’s do sports ! Then , you will find your life more colourful than before !




