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初一英语 问职业 那课的公开课~

访客2年前 (2021-07-05)英语课件61

授课教师:谢丽华 听课人:上川中学英语组
Subject: Module5 Healthy food, Unit 2 A lesson in good health
Teaching contents:
Words: favourite, candy, Coke, hamburger, ice cream, unhealthy
Phrases: in good health
Grammar: Countable and uncountable
Teaching aims:
1.Learn to use “but” and “and”.
2.Learn to use words for food and drinks.
3.Make dialogues of how to be in good health.
Difficulties: Use words for food and drinks to talk about how to be in
good health.
Step1 Revision: Talking about food and drinks that the students know.
Ask and answer
1.What do people eat?
2.What do people drink?
3.What is your favourite food and drink?
(Learn the new word: favourite)
Make lists for food and drinks
Meat: beef, chicken, pork…
Vegetable: onion, potatoes, tomatoes, carrot…
Fruit: apples, pears, oranges…
Drink: milk, water, orange…
Get the students to tell the food and drinks are healthy or not.
Are they healthy?
Is it healthy?
Step 2 Presentation more words for food and drinks.
Label the pictures with these words:
Candy, Coke, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodles, rice
Words family: Make lists for food and drink.
Food: candy, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodles
Drink: Coke
Countable: hamburger, ice cream, noodles
Uncountable: fish, Coke
Speak and practise
We eat candy, fish……
We drink Coke……
Ask and answer
Is it healthy? Are they healthy?
Is it your favourite? Are they your favourite?
Step 3 Read and say
Listen and answer
Are hamburgers and candy healthy food?
What drink isn’t healthy?
Read and tick: Tick the true statements in Part3.
Learn and make a conclusion
Healthy food: _______ Unhealthy food:
(Learn the new word “unhealthy”)
Learn and say
To be healthy, we eat noodles or rice and some vegetables.
To be healthy, we drink juice, water and milk, not Coke.
Ask and answer
What’s your favourite food and drink?
Are they healthy food and drinks?
Step 4 Task.
Task 1 Interview
Name Favourite food and drink Healthy or unhealthy Advise(建议)

What’s your favourite food and drink?
Are they healthy food and drinks?
To be healthy, eat noodles or rice and some vegetables.
To be healthy, drink juice, water and milk, not Coke.
Task 2 Make menus for a day
Menu Breakfast(早餐) Lunch(午饭) Supper(晚饭)
Menu 1
Menu 2
Step 5 Productive
Learn and say
Meat and fish are healthy food.
Hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy food.
Meat and fish are healthy food but hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy food.
Join sentences with but in Part 5.
Write: Complete this sentence for you
Talk about students’ families and classes with “and” or “but”.
I have got two brothers and a sister.
I haven’t got any brothers, but I have got a sister.
There are 25 girls and 30 boys in our class.
There are five pictures in my classroom, but there isn’t a computer.

学校 上川中学 教师 谢丽华

评价项目 评价指标 项目
分数 得分
教师素质 1 教态亲切大方,有感染力 5 4
2 能用英语组织教学,语言得体流畅,语音语调节奏自然 5 3
3 教学基本功扎实,教学技能娴熟,课堂调控能力强 5 4
教学目标 4 目标明确具体,符合教学要求和学生实际 5 5
5 注重综合语言运用能力和创新意识的培养,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲 5 4
教学设计 6 创造性地处理和使用教材 6 6
7 课堂教学容量和难度适合学生水平 6 6
8 注重语言运用,体现任务型语言教学思想 6 6
教学过程 9 在教学过程中,师生交流亲切自然,体现平等、民主、和谐的学习气氛 8 7
10 教学方法得当,活动形式多样有效,能恰当运用多种媒体进行教学 8 4
11 课堂结构严谨,逻辑性强,过渡自然,注重语言运用能力的培养 8 7
12 突出学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用,教与学活动比例合理 8 6
13 学生兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,敢于开口,乐于参与教学活动,并能用英语完成简单的任务 8 6
教学效果 14 完成教学任务,达到预定教学目标 6 5
15 各层次学生均学有所得,教学实效高 6 3
教学特色 16 教学的某一方面有独到之处 5 4
简评 1.课堂采用任务型教学方式,任务明确,任务贴近生活,能调动学生的兴趣,大大提高了学生学习的主动性,使课堂成为学生讨论、合作的主阵地。2.学生的听、说、读、写能力都得到训练与巩固,在实践中掌握知识,培养能力,让学生体验到交流的乐趣,并共享学习成果。3.学生练习方式应注意多样化,课堂用语要尽可能多使用英语教学,这是这堂课的不足之处。 总分 82

评分人: 上川中学英语组 2005年10月21日



