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访客2年前 (2021-07-08)英语课件58

1、Course type: English writing

2、Purpose of teaching:

  To train the student to practice in using English
  To enable the students to write their introductions of the text Cultural Relics in English.
  To guidethe students to assume a correct attitude to treat cultural relics.

3、Teaching steps:

  Step 1: (students) paragraph the text to find what ideas are included in it while reading.
  Step 2: ask some of the students to say separately how they have paragraphed it and what ideas they have found out.
  Step 3: (teacher) sum up what the students have thought of and give the correct answers.
  Step 4: (students) write out sentences with their own words in simple English according the main ideas included in each paragraph.
  Step 5: (students) list their own outlines and recount the outline into complete sentences.
  Step 6: (teacher) tell them how to arrange what they have written for a short essay using associated word and other grammatical means.

4、To give an assignment: write the composition after class.




