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访客2年前 (2021-07-10)英语课件64

A career in accounting can proceed in a number of directions, including work with a "Big Four" firm, an independent CPA business, an internal company position as a management accountant, a government accounting position or as an auditor. Whatever you choose to become your career, the steps you take in your academic preparation and your first jobs after school will help dictate your future success.
.Difficulty: Moderate
Instructions.Things You'll Need:
State certification
30 additional credit hours in accounting
Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or economics
Prepare for a Career as an Accountant
Assess your aptitude to ensure that you obtain the talents and traits required to become a successful accountant. A good head for numbers and high standards of integrity are essential. Hone and accentuate these qualities in all your career preparations.

Complete, and excel at, necessary academic work at a collegiate level to become an accountant. Most states require a bachelor's degree in accounting, 30 additional credit hours in accounting and additional practical employment in the accounting field.

Register and begin to prepare for the the rigorous four-part, 2-day CPA exam held by your state board of accountancy after completing your degree.

Achieve alternative or supplemental certification through the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam and certification sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants. This non-statutory private certification is often appropriate for someone who intends to provide services entirely within a private company.

Find Your Ideal Position as an Accountant
Land a position with a Big Four CPA firm as your first job out of school. These firms recruit actively at many academic accounting programs. They provide excellent experience and credentials, a good place to work while you are achieving certification and expanded options for your future.

Build your CPA exam preparation into your first job. Review pass/fail rates and consider taking part of the exam, passing it and completing the rest of it next quarter, if your state is one of the many that allow this approach.

Tips & Warnings
Consider strengthening your overall academic portfolio with an additional degree such as a Master's in Business Administration, a Master's in Accounting or a Master's in Public Administration. You may reach a point in your career when that degree could help boost you to a higher rung on the corporate ladder, such as a corporate controller, treasurer or CFO position..Don't waste your summers. Relevant accounting internships can broaden your network of contacts and give you a leg up on your competition if all candidates for a position otherwise have similar academic records. You might even select a college accounting program based on its record in placing students in Big Four internship








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