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急求PEP小学三年级英语上期unit3 Let' paint 的第二课时相关课件

访客2年前 (2021-07-26)英语课件51


(Unit 3 Let’s paint (2) Let’s learn & Let’s do )


1) Words: blue, green, yellow, red, purple (学习关于颜色的单词:blue, green, yellow, red, purple。)

2) Sentences: Show me … red/blue… (通过用“Show me....”的指令来练习和运用有关颜色的单词。)

Teaching main points:


Teaching difficult points:

会说唱 “Let’s do”相关内容,并会听音做出相应的反应。


1.铅笔盒,文具;2. 单词卡片;3. 颜色卡片;4. 录音机。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warm-up / Revision / Lead-in

1. Greetings.

T: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ /Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello, teacher/....

T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you. / I’m fine, thank you. How are you?

T: Very well. Thanks. Sit down, please.

2. A song.

T:Let’s sing the song: Teddy Bear. Teddy bear…one, two, three, go!

3. A game.

T: Let’s play a game(我们玩个游戏). OK?

Ss: OK!

T: (Show a pencil-case to the Ss) What’s this?(这是什么?) It’s a pencil-case. What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pencil-case.

T: Very good. Now, What’s this in my pencil-case?(铅笔盒里是什么呢?)

S1:It’s a pencil.

T: What’s this in my pencil-case?

S2: It’s a pen.

T: What’s this in my pencil-case?

S3: It’s a sharpener.

T: What’s this in my pencil-case?

S4: It’s a crayon.

T: What’s this in my pencil-case?

S5. It’s a ruler.

T: (Open the pencil-case slowly) What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pen.

T:It’s a pen.

Ss: It’s a pen.


Step 2. Presentation

1. red/blue/green/yellow/purple

T (Show a red pen) : What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pen.

T: What color is the pen? (这钢笔什么颜色呢?) It’s red. Red. What color is the pen? Red. It’s a red pen, a red pen.

T: Red…

Ss: Red…


T: What’s this ? It’s a red pen. What’s this?

Ss: It’s a red pen.

T (Show a red sharpener): What color is the sharpener?

Ss: It’s red.

T(Show a red crayon): What’s this?

Ss: It’s a red crayon.

T(Point at a student’s red coat) What color is it?

Ss: It’s red/Red.

…(找出教室中红色的物品,练习It’s red. 注意纠正学生读音中的问题。)

T(Write “red” on the blackboard):Red

Ss: Red…


用这种方法逐一介绍blue, green, yellow, purple,并出示单词卡片让生认读。

2. Game 1

T: Well, Boys and girls. Let’s play a game, OK?

Ss: OK.

T: (Get a card from the card prepared before class) What color is it?

S1: It’s blue.

T: What color is it?

S2: Red

(以组为单位让学生来猜颜色。当一组学生说完后,老师把卡片呈现给学生,并问:What color is it,学生回答:It’s red/blue…。老师要随时纠正学生的读音问题。注意,猜测游戏目的不是在学生猜对时就结束,而是让学生练习说颜色的单词)

3. Game 2

T: XXX, please come here.(xxx, 请你到这里来。)当你听到同学们说颜色的单词时,请你从这些卡片中,找出来,并说出颜色名称,好吗?

T(Face the class, show a card with yellow color)

Ss: Yellow

XXX(Find and hold the card): Yellow.

T, Ss: Clap the hands.



Step 3. Practice

1. A game (耳语)



2. Let’s do

(1) Show me your …

T: Show me your crayon.( hold up a crayon. Focus on the action: show). Show me your crayon.

Ss: Follow the teacher’s action.

T: Show me your crayon.

Ss: Show me your crayon.( Hold up a crayon.)

T: What color is the crayon?

Ss: It’s red.

T: Yes, it’s red. It’s a red crayon. A red crayon, a red crayon…

Ss: A red crayon…

T: Show me your red crayon.

Ss: Show me your red crayon.(Hold up a red crayon.)

T:xxx, show me your red crayon.

Xxx: Show me your red crayon.( Hold up a red crayon.)

按此法逐一引出blue crayon, green crayon, yellow crayon, purple crayon.

(2) Listen and act

学生听Let’s do部分录音,跟着说、做。

(3) Paint

T: OK. Here are some cards for you. Please color the words in group of three.(三个人一组,每组一张卡片,请你们用相应的颜色的蜡笔填涂卡片上的单词。)

blue green yellow red purple


Step 4. Consolidation /Extension

T: (Hold up a red/blue… crayon) What’s this?

Ss: It’s a red/blue…crayon.

T: Very good. Please find things in our classroom and name the color (请从教室中找出物品,并说出它们的颜色。). For example, It’s yellow. It’s a blue book…

Step 5. Sum-up and homework

T(Point at the color) : What color is it?

Ss: Red/Blue…

T: Great! Please paint a rainbow at home and show to your parents and say the color. (请同学生们回家用蜡笔画一个彩虹,给父母亲看,并用英语说出颜色








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