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访客2年前 (2021-07-28)英语课件78

KOK学英语7册单词 Unit 1
calendar n. 日历
month n. 月,月份
idea n. 主意,想法
great-grandpa n. 曾(外)祖父
date n. 日期
day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天
silly a. 傻的;愚蠢的
Unit 2
photo n. 照片
National Day 国庆节
song n. 歌曲 year n. 年
poem n. 诗歌
soon ad. 不久,很快
Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场
tomorrow n. 明天
then ad. 然后
us pron. 我们(宾格)
Unit 3
next a. 下一个
week n. 星期,周
ready a. 准备好的
throw v. 扔,掷,投
long jump 跳远
high jump 跳高
skip v. 跳绳
catch v. 接住;捉住
race n. 赛跑
practise v. 练习
event n. 比赛项目
news n. 新闻
lots of 很多
fun n. 有趣的事,娱乐
principal n. 校长
prize n. 奖品
way n. 方向
hit v. 打,击中
Unit 4
beach n. 海滩
sunglasses n. 太阳眼镜
paper n. 纸
camera n. 照相机
map n. 地图
lunchbox n. 午餐盒
their pron. 他(或她,它)们的
sandcastle n. 沙堡
Unit 6
mall n. 购物商场
toilet n. 厕所
gift n. 赠品;礼物
bank n. 银行
one pron. 一(个,只)
beside prep. 在……旁边;靠近
another a. 再一;另一
above prep. 在……上面
between prep. 在……中间
below prep. 在……下面
ground n. 地面
need v. 需要
shopping n. 买东西
tea n. 茶
Unit 7
menu n. 菜单
sandwich n. 三明治
hamburger n. 汉堡包
packet n. 小包,袋
fries n. 薯条
bowl n. 碗
noodles n. 面条
piece n. 一块(片,张,件……)
glass n. 玻璃杯
dumpling n. 饺子
hungry a. 饿的
a little 一点,少许
thirsty a. 渴的
would (modal)v. 打算,想要
matter n. 事情;问题 '
feel v. 感觉,觉得
Unit 8
bread n. 面包
rice n. 稻米;米饭
egg n. 鸡蛋
coffee n. 咖啡
butter n. 黄油,奶油
How many months are there in a year?一年有多少个月?
when's grandma's birthday?奶奶的生日在什么时候?
Good/great idea!好主意!
I can buy grandma a present.我会给奶奶买一个礼物
Is you birthday on may 17?你的生日在5月17号吗?
What's the date today?今天几号?
It's my ninetieth birthday today.今天是我九十岁的生日
Unit 2
I'm looking for pat's photos.我正在找帕特的照片
She is writing a poem for Teacher's day她正在为教师节写一首诗歌
It's National Day soon 国庆节就要到了
Dad's going to take us to a nice restaurant for lunch 爸爸将带我们去一家好餐馆吃午餐
What a naughty bear!好顽皮的一只熊!
Unit 3
It's Sport Day next week下周是运动会
I can do the high jump我能参加跳高
Let's get ready我们做准备吧
They are practising for Sport Day他们正在为运动会做准备
they’re going to give us the prizes today今天他们给我颁奖
I'm good at this event我擅长这项运动
Unit 5
Do you have your sungiasses?你戴太阳镜了吗?
Whose cameras are these?这些是谁的照相机
Let’s make a sandcastle 我们来做一个沙堡吧
Do you want an ice cream?你要冰欺凌吗?
Here’s a pair of ribbons 这儿有一对丝带
Unit 6
What do you want to do你要什么
Where’s the toy shop?玩具店在哪
It’s on the second floor它在二楼
There is a bookshop between the camera shop and the pet shop照相机店与宠物店间有一间书店.
I can see another one above the window我能开到另一个窗户在上面
The supermarkrt is on the ground floor超市在二楼
We need some onions我们需要一些洋葱
Unit 7
What would you like,Jenny?你要吃什么,詹妮?
I’d like a blow of noodles 我要一碗面条
Can we go another restaurant?我们能去别的店吗?
What’s the matter?怎么了?
I don’t feel hungry 我并没有感到饿
That’s a good restaurant for all of us对我们所有人来说那是一家好书店
Unit 8
I want some butter and friedchicken我想要一些奶油炸鸡
Are there any vegetables or eggs?有蔬菜或鸡蛋吗?
What is linda going to do on her father’s birthday? 琳达在她父亲的生日会上打算做什么?
Excuse me,where is the supermarket?请问,超市在哪
What are we going to have in hamburger?我们的汉堡将放什么?
What do you want for dinner?你晚餐想吃什么
Unti 9
They are Chinese New Year decorations它们是新年的装饰物
What do you do at Chinese New Year?新年你做什么?
Are you going to put on new clothes?你打算穿新衣服吗
We are going to have a big dinner 我们将吃顿大餐
What is jenny going to get on Chinese New Year?詹妮过年能得到什么?
I’m going to get lots of money,too.我也会得到许多压岁钱。








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