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访客2年前 (2021-08-14)英语课件59

Lesson 1 打开电视turn on/switch on the TV换台switch over下楼go downstairs目前at the moment电视剧TV series整夜all night锻炼do some exercise带…去散步take…for a walk过着悠闲的生活live a relaxing lifestyle给我做饭make my meals遥控器the remote control(闹铃)响go off换衣服get changed第一个到办公室的人the first to get to the office占据take up充满着be filled with回复私人邮件answer personal emails为…做好准备be ready to do sth.没有娱乐的时间have no/little time for fun对…抱怨complain about sth.赚钱make money另外,而且besides感到厌倦get boredlesson2感觉某事…find doing sth adj.为考试学习Study for an exam等考试成绩wait for exam results做一个演讲give a talk用英语in English与朋友一起购物shop with a friend发生take place遭受于suffer from减肥lose weight社交场所social situations比喜欢做某事hate doing sth无法忍受某事can’t stand doing sth更喜欢做prefer doing sth喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth非常喜欢做某事quite like doing sth听音乐listen to musicLesson 3在演播室in a studio作出决定make a decision毕业于graduate from和…不同be different from对…有所准备be prepared for迎接挑战meet challengess说实话to tell the truth听说某事hear about赢得支持win support进行长谈have a long talk未来的计划the plan for the future洗漱wash up为某事准备be/get ready for以…自豪be proud of设计网站design a website解决问题solve the problemLesson 4起床get up如此…以致于so…that到达arrive at返回return to去看电影go to the cinema开车去…drive to远离far away from去散步go walking在农场on the farm在工作at work整天all day确认make sure免于be free of照顾look after与…玩耍play with现在,当下play with远程教育distance learning对…感兴趣be interested in休息一下take a break喜爱be fond of和…一样as…as…乘地铁on the tube




