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访客2年前 (2021-08-21)英语课件53

Unit1、Where were you last month?上个月你在哪儿?Look!Here comes a circus!看!这儿来了个马戏团!Where did you come from?你从哪里来?Many places!许多地方!Where did you last week?上个星期你在哪?We were in Beijing.我们在北京.Where were you last month?上个月你在哪?We were in Thailand!我们在泰国!What was the food like in Thailand?泰国的食物怎样?It was tasty.那是美味的.Come on.Let's go to Thailand.来吧,让我们一起去泰国.


Unit3 Hobbies
A Read and say
Ben's hobby is collecting stamps.He has many beautiful stamps.He is showing them to his classmates.
Ben:I like collecting Chinese stamps.
Mike:They're interesting.I like this ship stamp.
Yang Ling:I think these flower stamps are beautiful.
Ben:My brother likes collecting animal stamps.
Mike:Show us his stamps,please.
Ben:Here they are.
Ben:Do you have any hobbies,Mike?
Mike:Yes,I do.I like taking photos.
Ben:Helen likes taking photos,too.Right?
Mike:No,she doesn't.She likes cooking ang growing flowers.She cooks nice food and grows beautiful flowers.
Ben:Do you like cooking,Yang Ling?
Yang Ling:No,I don't.I like making clothes.I can make pretty dresses for my doll.
Mike:Can you make a T-shirt for my sister's doll?
Yang Ling:Sure.
B Look,read and learn
take photos go shopping collect stamps collec coins
grow flowers make model ships make clothes keep goldfish




