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访客2年前 (2021-08-24)英语课件76

Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually,he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it .and called the factory on the vid-phone.we're on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam,at last he was catched by connections squad van.At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.


Everything goes well with you.
I wish everything goes well with all of you here as usual.
There is only one good, that is knowledge, there is only one evil, that is ignorance[5i^nErEns].
Lesson 49 At the butcher's
butcher n. 卖肉的 [5butFE]
meat n. 肉
beef n. 牛肉
lamb n. 羔羊肉 [lAm]
husband n. 丈夫
steak n. 牛排 [steik]
mince n. 肉馅,绞肉 [mins]
chicken n. 鸡
tell v. 告诉
truth n. 实情
either adv. 也(用于否定句)

at the hairdresser's 在理发店里
kill 杀害
murder 谋杀
massacre 屠杀 [5mAsEkE]
kill the time 打发时间

band 6 六级
band 4 四级
music band 乐队

medium 中等的
well-done 全熟的
steak rare
steak medium
steak well-done

say 强调说话的内容
speak 讲话。强调说话的动作,讲某种语言
talk 谈话 talk show 脱口秀
chat 聊天 chat room 聊天室 chitchat
dialogue 对话
discuss 讨论
debate 辩论
tell the truth 说实话
tell a lie 撒谎

My mother is a teacher, my father is a teacher too.
I don't like music, my brother doesn't like music either.
She isn't Chinese, he isn't Chinese either.
Mrs. Bird
Mrs. Bird doesn't like chicken, her husband doesn't like chicken either.

Who is at the butcher’s?
What does she want to do?
Does she want a beef or a lamb?
Is there any lamb at the butcher's?
Is there(笔误,应为the) lamb very nice?
Why doesn't Mrs. Bird want any lamb?
Because her husband doesn't like lamb.
What about steak?
Does Mrs. Bird want any steak?
Does Mr. Bird like steak?
Does Mrs. Bird want any mince today?
How much mince does she want?
A pound of mince.
What about chicken?
Does Mrs. Bird like chicken?
What about Mr. Bird?
What about the butcher?

Where is Mrs. Bird today?
She is at the butcher's.
What does she want to do?
She wants some mince.
Is there any beef at the butcher's?
Is there any good lamb here?
What does Mrs. Bird want? Beef or lamb?
Does Mr. Bird like lamb?
Does Mrs. Bird like lamb?
Does Mrs. Bird want some steak?
Does she want any mince? How much?

Mrs. Bird
Mrs. Bird is at the butcher's.
She wants some meat.
Do you like beef?
Does she like beef?
Does she like beef or lamb?
This lamb is very good.
But Mr. Bird doesn't like lamb.
The steak is very good.
Mrs. Bird wants a pound of mince.
Mr. Bird doesn't like chicken.
The butcher doesn't like chicken either.

Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?
Yes, please.
Do you want beef or lamb?
Beef, please.
This lamb's very good.
I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.
What about some steak?
This is a nice piece.
Give me that piece, please. 双宾语
And a pound of mince, too.
Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird?
They 're very nice.
No, thank you.














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