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访客2年前 (2021-09-06)英语课件62

P5 3a:

...but i'm pretty healthy. i exercise every day,usually when i come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. i try to eat a lot of vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee.Of course,I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times
a week. Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night.So you see,I look after my health.And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.Good food and exercise help me to study better.

P11 3a

A Healthy Lifestyle the Chinese Way
Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin(阴)and
yang(阳)to be healthy.For example, are you often weak and tired?Maybe you have too much yin.You should eat hot yang foods,like beef.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and it's important to eat a balanced diet.

P12 2

Well,I hope you're enjoying my school in New York.I like your school
in Beijing,but I'm not feeling very well at the moment.I'm tired and have a lot of headaches.And i'm stressed out because my Putonghua isn't improving.I study late every night,sometimes until 2 am,but I don't think I'm improving.I really need some conversation practice!I think I have a cold,too.Oh, dear!But my host family is really nice.Yesterday they...

P17 3a

Ben Lambert's(本·兰伯特) Vacation Plans!
Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer! He though about going to Greece or Spain,but decided on
Canada.I always take vacation in Europe,he said.This time I want to do something different.I heard that Canada is beautiful,and I know
there are many people there who speak French.
Ben is going to Canada's Great Lakes.He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September.He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.:I'm taking walks,going fishing,and going bike riding.I'm planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.I love nature.I hope I can forget all my problems!At night,I'm renting videos and sleeping a lot... A great vacation!I can't wait!

P21 3a

Lin Fei's home is about 10 kilometers from school.He gets up at six o'clock every day,showers and has a quick breakfast.Then he leaves for
school at around six thirty.First,he rides his bicycle to the bus stop
.That takes about ten minutes.Then the early bus takes him to school.
The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

P23 3a
How do students around the world get to school?
In North America,most students go to school on the school bus.Some
students also walk or ride bikes to school.In other parts of the world
,things are different.In Japan,most students take trains to school,
although others also walk or ride their bikes.In China,it depends on
where you are.In big cities,students usually ride bikes to school or
take buses.And in places where there are rivers and lakes,like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao,students usually go to school by boat.That
must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!

P29 3a

Thank you for your invitation.I'm sorry I can't visit you this week.
I am really busy.This evening I'm going to my cousin's birthday party.
And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist.(Yuck!)On wednesday,I have
tennis training with the school team.And i have to study for my chemistry on Thursday.On Friday evening,I'm going to the movies with my friends.Can you come to the movies with us On Friday?
Write soon.

P33 3a

Dear Isabel,
Thank you for your last letter.Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying.As you can see,in some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different.We both have black eyes and black hair,
although my hair is shorter than hers.We both like sports,although
Liu Ying is more athletic than me.She's more outgoing,and i'm quieter
.I think I'm smarter than her.My favorite subjects are physics and
chemistry,and her favorite subject is P.E.However,we both enjoy going
to parties.
Please visit us soon!
Liu Li

P35 3a

Some friends have opposite views and interests,ang some like the same things.What is your opinion?Should friends befifferent or the same?We asked some people what they think and this is what thay said.

I like to have friends who are like me.I'm quieter than most of the kids in my class,and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet,too.There are some differences,though.I'm smarter than Yuan Li.She's more athletic.
James Green

It's not necessary to be the same.I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing
than me.We both like sports,but Larry is more athletic than me.He always beats me in tennis.Also,I'm quieter than he is.
Huang Lei

I don't really care.My best friend is Carol.Carol is funny,and more outgoing than i am.But we both like doing the same things.I don't think differences are important in a friendship.

这可是我一个字一个字敲上去的,(my hands!!!!!!)手抽......
我给你提供的资料是英语(新目标)Go for it!你要的应该是这个吧。





标签: 英语课文


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