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访客2年前 (2021-10-01)英语课件61

Children’s education in English becomes the focus of attention for the whole society. As to children, the games are always the best ways to inspire their interests in learning English and to encourage their study activities. These are processes which combinate learning with games. Therefore, it's necessary to play more games during class to stimulate children to learn English effectiveIy. Based on the practical teaching experience, the author of this article discusses how to improve children’s interest in learning English by playing more games in the teaching process.

The baby English study's teahing duty is trains the baby to hear ability, but is not read-write ability. Therefore in teaching material's choice, makes every effort to conform to baby's body and mind characteristic, pays great attention to choose in the baby personal experience and the daily life is interested, to be able to understand, easy to absorb content; Vivid interesting, rich Tong Qu and draws close to the baby life and the emotion likes, its difficulty both conforms to various ages baby's level, also makes the baby not to feel is too difficult, also feels certain challenging. The course content should manifest certain phatic function, like regards, thanks, farewell, apology and request and so on. The baby teacher of English should do everything possible to let the baby momentarily have the opportunity utilizes has studied the thing.

Second, the active use of flexible teaching methods to stimulate students interest in learning English.
Interest is the best teacher, in view of the characteristics of the students, teachers should try to use a variety of forms, means, the visual aspects of a variety of teaching methods, to carry out interesting classroom activities, Shengqingbingmao teaching activities, students have been inspired The desire for knowledge.
1, teaching the game and teaching model of combining to make teaching easier to learn.
For example: the awarding of the new knowledge can be used to train the game, to enhance the participation of students interested in enhancing their attention. Use one by one form of expression award of the new knowledge.
2, and the drilling of the game combine to make teaching effective locust and see.
For example: in the eighth module can make full use of the card, students with a sentence What's this? Question, and the other students Sentence Is it a ... ....? Second-guess, with other students Yes, it is. Or No, it isn't. To be answered. At this point, students will enthusiastically participate in the guessing game.
3, and made his speech like a combination of dialogue and teaching mode.
Enough students left to their own exploration and development of space cooperation between the students learn teamwork. The practice of highlighting the language and communication, students learn the spirit of independence and creative spirit, and constantly improve the language skills.
4 focus on songs, songs, poem, a different style of teaching mode.
Rich, varied forms, children love to see and hear, the effect of the arts to enhance classroom teaching, encouraging students to actively participate in and enhance memory effect and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.
Third, the establishment of a lighter competitive atmosphere of teaching and training students self-confidence and sense.
1, competition law:
Victory primary and secondary school students use heart strong feature of the game in the regular classroom to introduce competition mechanism, all of a sudden become active classroom atmosphere can be competition between the group and the group may also be a free combination of competition, personal challenges, such as race. Cases P: Who do well, soon (the pictures say a word, greetings, etc.) will be the winner won a small red or red flag. Students warm up and all of a sudden upsurge, self-enhanced learning, learning efficiency greatly improved.
2, incentive pay tribute to law:
Everyone is eager to have success, people affected by attention or concern, so that their value and realization of the play. Teaching, teachers should always pay attention to each student's change bit by bit, praise-the-art, to encourage progress, to enable students to have such a sense of accomplishment, to develop their venture to say, to correct the mistake of giving, set a good psychological advantage to learn English.
3, Approach:
Appeal to students as the main body language to enhance their knowledge and to improve communication capacity. Adhere to the day-to-day conversation, the sense of language training. Due to the lack of foreign language teaching language environment, but also vulnerable to the impact of mother-tongue, if two or three minutes of the regular day-to-day session will help students remember some of the commonly used spoken inadvertently, is a long-term, in order to improve the spoken language ability of students to provide a certain degree. As a result, as far as possible in the classroom use of English, a gradual transition to teaching in English class so that students placed in a good English environment, interest.
4, to improve their own law:
In the classroom, the students give their own activities. As the younger students, English communication ability is just beginning, the teacher should appeal mainly to students, teachers and students can organize activities of the dialogue, but also groups, students and free dialogue between the students. To increase training opportunities for students to cultivate and improve the language proficiency of students.
5, scene of the influence of law:
To make full use of multi-media teaching and improve teaching efficiency. We find ourselves in the world is Chinese, the lack of English language environment. As a result, teaching teachers to make full use of the language of the existing power of the English classroom is equipped with video teaching materials, VCD and so on to enable students to an eye-opener. For example: The slides will be taught by the real-life objects are displayed, it's beautiful images to stimulate their senses, an increase of impression. Teaching English in the flexible use of audio-visual media, to fully mobilize the student's sense of vision, hearing, and other capabilities, combined with sound and image, language and blend with the scene, the beautiful music to the students to create a relaxed, happy and harmonious learning Atmosphere. Entered the language as if the real activities of the scene, the teaching content as abstract visual change. Stimulate students interest in learning English in order to achieve the me to I want to learn, 'the good state of mind.
Now, in our school, English is no longer a deaf-mute in the past the English, the corridor between classes, on playgrounds, students can be seen everywhere in self-greeted in English and do scenes of the game and really embodies the main line of teachers, students Oral Communication ability to significantly improve the quality of education for the main thrust of the new requirements.

Hoping you'll enjoy them!

Good Luck!

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