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访客2年前 (2021-10-06)英语课件63

Module 1 Unit 2 Good friends (4)
Language focus:
Using ‘like to’ to express preferences
e.g. I tike to play and dress up, too.
Using common expressions to introduce oneself
e.g. Hi! I’m Annie Wang from Flat 3C.
Using ‘too’ to express addition
e.g. I like to skate and cycle, too.
Pre-task preparation
1 Draw a floor plan of a 14-floor block on the board. There are five flats on each floor, A-E. Ask the students to read poem and find out which floors and flats the characters live on/in. Invite the more able students to circle the flat on the floor plan on the board. Ask the less able students to put the names of the characters in the correct flats.
2 Have the students read the poem silently again. Ask them to find out what those characters like to do.
3 Play the recording: Read a poem. Students listen and follow in their books.
4 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.
5 Introduce: dress up. Say: I don't like to dress up. I like to wear T-shirts and jeans. Who likes to dress up in the poem? What do the other characters like to do?
While-task procedure
1 In groups of four, students read the poem aloud. Each reads a verse.
2 Ask the students to read the sample poem in About you. Divide the students into groups. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 15 to each student. Students are required to tick the activities they like to do and write a poem about themselves. Put the work of the group members together to form a long poem. Ask the less able students to do the controlled task on Photocopiable page 16 first.
3 Groups take turns to read their poems to the class.
4 Put all the poems together to make an anthology. Put it in the class library.
Post-task activity
Workbook page 5
Grammar Practice Book 6A pages 6-8
Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) Practice and Assessment Series 6A Part 1, Module 1, Unit 2 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening, reading and writing skills development tasks.








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