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新编实用英语(第二版)综合教程1 第四单元《Punctuality and Keeping Promises》全文 英语版的 急!!

访客2年前 (2021-11-01)地理课件49

Punctuality and Keeping Promise
(para.1) In social activities it isalways emphasized to be punctual, to have a strong conception of time. If youfail to keep your promise or do not come on time and thus keep your hostwaiting, that is very impolite. It’s hard to imagine what will happen if thereis such an activity as a banquet, interview, or meeting, yet all people concerneddo not come on time. If you are asked to meet a foreign guest at the airport orat the railway station and you go so late that the guest has come before youarrive, how anxious and embarrassed he will be when he ,as a stranger to theplace, sees no person meeting him! The same is true with the activity of seeingoff a foreign guest. If you arrive so late at the airport or railway station tofind the guest has gone already, what’s the use of your going there?
(para. 2) So, as a host, whenever there is an activity, you should come tothe place ahead of schedule so as to wait for the guests to come. Don’t let theguests wait for you. It’s very impolite. Those who are to help entertain the guests should also come earlier than the guests. But for a guest, at what timeis it proper to come?You should be punctual. That is, neither too early, nor too late. If it is tooearly, the host may not get the things ready. If it is too late, you may keepthe host waiting. Anyone, guest or host, who is really late for a socialactivity, should apologize to those who have already been there.
(para. 3) After making an appointment, generally, don’t change it asthat is impolite. If you do have to change, you should inform the person bytelephone or with a written note as soon as possible, so that he or she canmake a rearrangement. Sometimes, an appointment has been already made, butsomething unexpected happens and you find no time to inform the personconcerned. In this case, you shouldmake an apology to the person afterwards.








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