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访客2年前 (2021-11-02)英语课件47

1. 听 listen to
2. 磁带,听录音 listen to the tape
3. 制作抽认卡 make a flashcard
4. 向老师请求帮助 ask the teacher for help
5. 制作词汇表 make a vocabulary list
6. 观看英语录像片 watch an English video
7. 和朋友练习交谈 practice with friends
8. 大声朗读 read aloud
9. 和小组共同学习 study with a group
10. 改善我们的口语技能 improve our spoken English skills
11. 这种方法学到很多 learn a lot in this way
12. 学英语的最好方法 the best way to learn English/ the best way of learning Engllish
13. 靠使用英语学习 learn by using English
14. 感想不同 feel differently
15. 观看某人做了某事 watch sb do
16. (做某事)愉快 have fun doing
17. 根本(不) not at all
18. 对某事感到兴奋 get excited about sth / doing
19. 结束,告终 end up (with+ sth )
20. 记英语笔记 take an English notes
21. 发觉(某物)令人沮丧 find sth frustrating
22. 在语法方面的错误 make mistakes in grammar
23. 使发音准确 get pronunciation right
24. 加入英语俱乐部 join an English club
25. 做某事对某人来说容易 it’s easy for sb to do sth
26. 以…开始 start… with
27. to begin with
28. 以后,随后 later on
29. 害怕某物/去做某事 be afraid of sth / to do
30. 造完整的句子 make a complete sentence
31. 做听力练习 do lots of listening practice
32. 决定去做…. decide to do / make a decision to do
33. 做笔记,做记录 take notes of
34. 受感动/留下印象 be impressed
35. 做某事有麻烦 have trouble doing sth
36. (在字典中)查找….,查字典 look up …. in a dictionary
37. 组成,构成 make up
38. 把英语作一门外语说 speak English as a foreign language
39. 处理,处置 deal with
40. 学会忘记 learn to forget
41. 生(某人的)气, be angry with sb / about sth
42. 不公平,不公正 be unfair
43. 时间)过去,消逝 go by
44. 把….当作… regard … as / treat… as
45. 把….变成 change …into / turn… into
46. 尽力做某事 try one’s best to do
47. ….在….的帮助下 with one’s help / with the help of sb
48. 身体问题 physical problems
49. 中断友谊 break off a friendship unit one
50. 过去常常,以前常常 used to do
51. 感兴趣 be interested in
52. 在游泳队 on the swim team
53. 乘飞机飞行 fly in a airplane
54. 害怕….,恐惧…. be terrified to do / of sth
55. 入睡 fall asleep
56. (灯)开着,(电影)上演 be on / with … on
57. 嚼口香糖 chew gum
58. 直接回家 go right home
59. 花费(时间)做某事 spend time doing / it take sb some time to do
60. 与我奶奶聊天 chat with my grandmother
61. 在过去几年 in the past few years
62. 我的日常生活 my daily life
63. 使某人紧张(有压力) make sb stressed out
64. 引起许多麻烦 cause a lot of trouble
65. 一个15岁的男孩子 a 15-year-old boy
66. 变得困难得多 become much more difficult
67. 无法负担起…. can’t afford to do
68. 付款,赔偿 pay for
69. 好好照看 look after … well / take good care of
70. 陷入困境 in trouble
71. 最后,终于 at last / in the end / finally
72. 做决定,下决心 make a decision ( to do 0
73. 把某人送到某地 send sb to
74. 班主任 head teacher
75. 做某事有必要 it is necessary to do
76. 与…谈话 talk with / have a conversation with
77. 令某人惊奇的(是)… to one’s surprise
78. 即使,纵然,尽管 even though
79. 不再,已不 no longer / no more
80. 对某人(某事)感到自豪 take pride in / be proud of
81. 对某人(某事)注意,留心 pay attention to
82. 对某人来说做某事重要 it is important for sb to do
83. 放弃(做某事) give up doing
84. 有足够的钱 have enough money ( to do )
85. 去参观历史遗迹 visit historical places
86. 使…变成一种真实经历 make … a real experience
87. 单独,独自 by oneself
88. 改变主意 change one’s mind Unit Two
89. 允许某人做某事 allow sb to do / 允许做 allow doing
90. 被允许去做某事 be allowed to do
91. 选择自己的衣服 choose one’s own clothes
92. 做兼职工作 have part-time jobs
93. 扎耳眼 get one’s ears pierced
94. 够谨慎 serious enough
95. 剪发,理发 have a haircut
96. 停止做某事 stop doing
97. 代替,而不是 instead of / rather than
98. 在学习日晚上呆在家里 stay at home on school nights
99. 熬夜 stay up
100. 打扫他的房间 clean his room
101. 上课迟到 be late for class
102. 数学考试不及格 fail in math test / fail the math test
103. 考试,测试 have a test
104. 对…要求严格 be strict with sb / in sth
105. 全神贯注,全力以赴 concentrate on
106. 设计我们自己的制服 design our own clothes
107. 吵闹,打闹 make a noise
108. 目前,现在 at present / at the moment
109. 有机会去做 have an opportunity to do
110. 用英语字典 use an English dictionary
111. 一片杂乱,一片狼藉 a real mess
112. 穿在某人身上很好看 look good on sb
113. 一晚上八个小时的睡眠 eight hours’ sleep a night
114. 表演戏剧 perform a play
115. 花费时间去做… it take sb some time to do / spend time doing
116. 对某人来说是个好的经历 a great experience for sb
117. 困倦的,不活跃的,静寂的 be sleepy
118. 周五下午休息 have Friday afternoon off
119. 养老院 old people’s home
120. 同意(某人的观点) agree with
121. 一些….,另一些…. some …. the other
122. 妨碍 get in the way
123. 答复…文章 reply to the article
124. 遵守规章制度 obey the rules
125. 参加校田径队 be on the school running team
126. 一位职业选手 a professional athlete
127. 实现梦想 achieve one’s dream
128. 其中每一个 every one of … / each of
129. 没什么反对的 nothing against
130. 自己做决定 make decision for oneself
131. 热衷于 be serious about sth
132. 在某事上花费时间 spend … on
133. 担心,关心 worry about / be worried about
134. 有做某事的机会 have a chance to do
135. 把…捐给慈善机构 give .. to charity
136. 医学研究 medical research
137. 穿衬衫打领带 wear a shirt and tie
138. 如果…将会怎样? What if
139. 起小疱疹,起小豆豆 get pimples
140. 散步 take a walk
141. 考试前一晚上 the night before an exam
142. 公共场所 in public
143. 做演讲,发言 give a speech
144. 没有允许就做某事 without permission
145. 参加(演出)电影 be in the movie
146. 与 ….成为朋友 be friends /become friends
147. 开始做某事 start doing sth
148. (向某人)介绍自己 introduce oneself to sb
149. 邀请某人做…. invite sb to do
150. 社会环境,社会处境 social situations
151. 根本,一点也 (not ) in the slightest
152. 很多的,足够的 plenty of
153. 与…相处 get on with / get along with
154. 宁愿做….而不愿做…. prefer to do rather than do
155. 一小圈子 a small circle of
156. 坏的事情 something bad
157. 立刻,马上 at once / right now
158. 对….友好 be friendly to
159. 午饭时间 lunch time
160. 代表全班 represent the class
161. 名列前茅 come to the top
162. 让….失望,使…沮丧 let … down
163. 想出好的建议 think of some good advice
164. 提出,想出(好的解决方法) come up with ( good solution )
165. 其余学生 the rest of the students
166. 出版,发表 come out
167. 在不同的形势下 in different situation
168. 偶然伤着自己 hurt/ cut yourself by accident
169. 用一块干净布条盖住伤口 cover the cut with a clean cloth
170. 摔下楼 fall downstairs
171. 匆忙去做… hurry to do
172. 得到医疗帮助 get the medical help
173. 使她舒服 make her feel comfortable
174. 和….呆在一起 stay with sb / be with sb
175. 找出,查明 find out
176. 凉的自来水 cold running water
177. 停止锻炼 stop exercising
178. 好几天 (quite ) a few days
179. 抽烟的危害 the dangers of something
180. 远离孩子储藏药物 hide medicine from children
181. 告诉某人去做…. Tell sb to do
182. 在公共场所 in a public place
183. 独自去 go alone
184. 做某事有危险 do something dangerous
185. 属于 belong to
186. 一定(是)(肯定推测) must be
187. 唯一的小孩 the only child / kid
188. 听古典音乐 listen to classical music
189. 发带 hair band
190. 不可能(是)(否定推测) can’t be
191. 太小了 too small
192. 在交响乐大厅 in the symphony hall
193. 正在约会 at an appointment
194. 关于代数的数学考试 a math test on algebra
195. 把….计入期末考试(成绩) count … to the final exam
196. 一种奇怪的动物 a strange animal
197. 被…采访 be interviewed
198. 听见奇怪的声音 hear a strange noise / hear strange noises
199. 隔壁的邻居 next door neighbor
200. 从….逃跑 escape from / run away from
201. 在我的梦中 in my dream
202. 在一片纸的海洋中 in an ocean of paper
203. 太多的家庭作业 too much homework
204. 小心狗 be careful of the dog
205. 假装做…. pretend to do
206. 用完,用光,耗尽 use up / run out of
207. 关掉 turn off
208. 亲眼所见 see .. with one’s own eyes
209. 随音乐翩翩起舞 dance to music
210. 演奏轻柔舒缓的歌曲 quiet and gentle songs
211. 使某人记起某事 remind sb of doing
212. 黄河 Yellow River
213. 最新电影 the latest movie
214. 近几年 these years / over the years
215. 寻找快乐 look for entertainment
216. 展览,陈列 on display / on show
217. 乡村照片 photos of the countryside
218. 使某人感兴趣 interest sb / make sb interested
219. 来自世界级摄影师的伟大展出 from a world class photographer
220. 音乐组合 music group
221. 充满活力 have a lot of evergy
222. 比….更喜欢….,比….更喜爱…. prefer … to
223. 流行音乐 pop music
224. 在大热天 on a hot day
225. 使人感到不舒服(恶心) feel sick
226. 老实说,说实在的 to be honest / to tell you the truth
227. 一个参观的好地方 a good place to visit
228. 很幸运去做… be lucky to do
229. 其他的一些学生 some other students
230. 许多不同种类的食物 lots of different kinds of food
231. 把人带到 take sb over to
232. 品尝起来很好 taste good
233. 聚在一起做…. Get together to do
234. 一群年轻人 a group of young people
235. 保持健康 stay healthy / stay in good health
236. 对….有害的,有害处的 be bad for
237. 宁愿不做 …. prefer not to do
238. 关心我的健康 care for my health
239. 主要吃水果和蔬菜 eat mainly fruit and vegetable
240. 与….保持距离 stay away from
241. 甜点,甜食 sweet dessert
242. 意见一致 be in agreement
243. 在实验室的实验中 in laboratory testing
244. 几种品牌的油 some types of oil
245. 用油做饭 cook in oil
246. (烧焦的)烧烤肉 barbecued meat
247. (得癌)的风险 the risk of cancer
248. 即使,尽管 even if / even though
249. 做…有好处 it is good to do
250. 吃均衡饮食 eat a balanced diet
251. (饮食)有一个好的平衡 have a good balance
252. 被….震动,使….震惊 be shocked by
253. 想要做…. Would like to do
254. 从容,不紧张 take it easy
255. 长途跋涉穿过丛林 trek through the jungle
256. 希望做…. hope to do / wish to do
257. (将来的)某一天 one day / some day
258. 去某个休闲的地方 go somewhere relaxing
259. 考虑做…. think about doing / consider doing
260. 法国首都 the capital of France
261. 最具活力的城市 the liveliest city
262. 在欧洲 in Europe
263. 乘坐地下火车 take the subway
264. 通常,大体上,一般而言 in general
265. 相当昂贵的地方 quite an expensive place
266. 应该,被期望 be supposed to do
267. 打包浅颜色的衣服 pack light color clothes
268. 别的什么 something else / some other things
269. 在中国东部 in the east of China / in eastern China.
270. 给….提供,以….装备 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb
271. 关于….的一些信息 some information about
272. 对….来说足够 enough for …
273. 给…..一些建议 give … some suggestions / give some advice
274. 每年的这个时候 at this time of year
275. 航行横渡太平洋 sail across the Pacific Ocean
276. 梦到…. Dream of / dream about
277. 数以千计的 thousands of
278. 问题的答案 the key / answer to the question
279. 完成学业 finishing education
280. 尽早地 as soon as possible
281. 为了,以便于 in order that / so that / in order to do
282. 继续做…. go on / continue doing
283. 上大学 go to college
284. 电脑编程 computer programming
285. 根据,按照 according to
286. 成为志愿者 to be volunteer
287. 在2008年奥运会上 at 2008 Olypics
288. 许多,相当多 quite a few
289. 乐于做…..,愿意做…. Would love to do
290. 受到良好的教育 get/ have a good education
291. 另一方面 on the other hand
292. 抓住/坚持梦想不放 hold on to
293. 打扫干净,梳理整齐 clean up
294. 无家可归者 homeless people
295. 想出 一个计划 think up/ come up with
296. 清洁日 a clean-up day
297. 离现在仅有两周 two weeks from now
298. 推迟,拖延 put off
299. 使振奋,使高兴起来 cheer up
300. 建立,创立,开办 set up
301. 自愿做某事 volunteer to do
302. 自愿参加的工作 volunteer work
303. 重大奉献 a major commitment
304. 花费(金钱,时间)做…. Spend time doing
305. 不仅….而且…. not only……but also
306. 钱用光了 run out of money
307. 与(父母等)相像 take after
308. 修理,修补 fix up
309. .赠送,分发 give away
310. 与….相仿的 be similar to
311. 张贴一些牌子 put up some signs
312. 分发广告 hand out advertisements
313. 结果不错 work out fine
314. 分发,发放 give out
315. 常去某处 hang out
316. 挣钱的点子 come up with ideas for making money
317. 送某人某物 offer sb sth
318. 残疾人 disabled people
319. 无疑 for sure
320. 用….装满,充满 fill… with
321. 接电话 answer the telephone
322. 开和关门 open and shut the door
323. 把某人带回家 take / bring sb home
324. 由于你的好心捐赠 because of your kind donation
325. 主动帮助某人 offer to help
326. 由….发明 be invented by
327. 用勺舀冰淇淋 for scooping ice cream
328. 电动拖鞋 battery-operated sneakers
329. 冰淇淋勺 ice cream scoop
330. 电灯泡 light bulb
331. 微波炉 microwave oven
332. 错误地,误








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