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假如你是李华,是你校英语周活动的策划者。英语原创故事大赛(original English story)是英语周活动之一

zhao_admin2年前 (2021-12-02)英语课件52

Dear Jim,
I‘m Li Hua ,the organizer of English Week to be held in our school. It is a great honor to have you to be our judge for this contest. I am writing to ask some advice from you.
After the discussion, we planned to hold an essay activitiy with the subject What is your favorite book?. The essay should include the specific examples and the personal comments. Competitors could send the essays through the internet. At last, the result could be printed on the college papers.
As this is the first time I organized this competiton. I am not sure whether the above is suitable. I would appreciate it if you could give me some practical proposals regarding it.. Thany you for your help.
Li Hua




