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zhao_admin1年前 (2021-12-03)地理课件48

The natural water cycle is a multi-part process, the global water cycle involves evaporation, atmospheric moisture transport, surface water and groundwater circulation and storage of water storage in various forms. 降水、蒸发和径流是水循环过程的三个最主要环节,这三者构成的水循环途径决定着全球的水量平衡,也决定着一个地区的水资源总量。 Precipitation, evaporation and runoff are the three most important aspects of the water cycle, water cycle consisting of these three ways to determine the global water balance, but also determines the total water resources of an area. 蒸发是水循环中最重要的环节之一。 Evaporation is the water cycle in one of the most important aspects. 由蒸发产生的水汽进入大气并随大气活动而运动。 Generated by the evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere and with the atmospheric activity and exercise. 大气中的水汽主要来自海洋,一部分还来自大陆表面的蒸散发。 Water vapor in the atmosphere mainly from the oceans, but also from the mainland part of the surface evapotranspiration. 大气层中水汽的循环是蒸发-凝结-降水-蒸发的周而复始的过程。 The cycle of water vapor in the atmosphere is evaporation - condensation - precipitation - evaporation cycle process. 海洋上空的水汽可被输送到陆地上空凝结降水,称为外来水汽降水;大陆上空的水汽直接凝结降水,称内部水汽降水。 Water vapor over the oceans can be transported to the condensation of precipitation over land, known as external water vapor precipitation; direct condensation of water vapor over the continent of precipitation, water vapor within said precipitation. 一地总降水量与外来水汽降水量的比值称该地的水分循环系数。 An external water vapor to the total precipitation and the ratio of precipitation to the water cycle called the coefficient. 全球的大气水分交换的周期为10天。 Global atmospheric water exchange cycle is 10 days. 在水循环中水汽输送是最活跃的环节之一。 Water vapor transport in the water cycle is one of the most active part. 径流是一个地区(流域)的降水量与蒸发量的差值。 Runoff is a regional (basin) and the difference between precipitation and evaporation. 多年平均的大洋水量平衡方程为:蒸发量=降水量+径流量;多年平均的陆地水量平衡方程是:降水量=径流量+蒸发量。 The average years of ocean water balance equation: evaporation = precipitation + runoff; annual average water balance equation is the land: precipitation = runoff + evaporation. 但是,无论是海洋还是陆地,降水量和蒸发量的地理分布都是不均匀的,这种差异最明显的就是不同纬度的差异。 However, both sea and land, precipitation and evaporation are the uneven geographical distribution, this difference is most obvious differences between different latitudes. 中国的大气水分循环路径有太平洋、印度洋、南海、鄂霍茨克海及内陆等5个水分循环系统。 China's atmospheric water cycle path to the Pacific, Indian Ocean, South China Sea, Okhotsk Sea and inland water circulation system, etc. 5. 它们是中国东南、误南、华南、东北及西北内陆的水汽来源。 They are China's southeast, misuse South, South, Northeast and Northwest inland water vapor source. 西北内陆地区还有盛行西风和气旋东移而来的少量大西洋水汽。 Northwest prevailing westerly winds and inland areas as well a small number of Atlantic cyclones eastward from water vapor. 陆地上(或一个流域内)发生的水循环是降水-地表和地下径流-蒸发的复杂过程。 Land (or a watershed) occurred in the water cycle is precipitation - runoff of surface and underground - the complex process of evaporation. 陆地上的大气降水、地表径流及地下径流之间的交换又称三水转化。 Land-based atmospheric precipitation, surface runoff and underground runoff, also known as the exchange between the Sanshui transformation. 流域径流是陆地水循环中最重要的现象之一。 Runoff is the water cycle is one of the most important phenomena. 地下水的运动主要与分子力、热力、重力及空隙性质有关,其运动是多维的。 The movement of groundwater mainly molecular force, heat, gravity and nature of the gap, the movement is multidimensional. 通过土壤和植被的蒸发、蒸腾向上运动成为大气水分;通过入渗向下运动可补给地下水;通过水平方向运动又可成为河湖水的一部分。 Soil and vegetation by evaporation and transpiration of water upward into the atmosphere; can recharge by downward movement of ground water infiltration; horizontal direction through the river water can also become a part of. 地下水储量虽然很大,但却是经过长年累月甚至上千年蓄集而成的,水量交换周期很长,循环极其缓慢。 Groundwater reserves, while significant, but it is the result of long years and even thousands build and set together for a long period of water exchange, circulation is extremely slow. 地下水和地表水的相互转换是研究水量关系的主要内容之一,也是现代水资源计算的重要问题。 Between groundwater and surface water conversion is the main content of the relationship between water, is one of the important issues of modern computing resources. 据估计,全球总的循环水量约为496′1012立方米/年,不到全球总储水量的万分之四。 It is estimated that the total global water cycle is about 496'1012 cubic meters / year, less than the total storage capacity of the world's four ten thousandths. 在这些循环水中,约有22.4%成为陆地降水,这其中的约三分之二又从陆地蒸发掉了。 In these cycles the water, about 22.4% to become land precipitation, of which about two thirds of the evaporated from the land. 但总算蒸发量小于降水量,这才形成了地面径流。 But at least less than the precipitation evaporation, this formed the surface runoff.











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